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Hey all,

Usually around now I would start on a big 3-4 chapter release for Sunday, but I just can’t do it this week. my last two weeks of working at this place look to be the most brutal >.<.

I’m really, really sorry. Hold fast with me two more weeks to get to the writing promised land.

Ill do my best to make it a big post Monday.



Hang in there Puddles! can't wait to see Randidly's warpath!


Gl m8, if it's ok w/ me asking what do you work as?

Azuolas Korsakas

Take your time champ. We aint going anywhere before this story is finished


No worries. It seems like we're at a pretty important part of the story , so I'd prefer you take the time you need to do your best writing, rather than rushing and having the quality of the chapters go down.