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I'll start by saying that this isn't a post that I'm not sticking to my November schedule. I have three chapters written, and I believe I owe you four. Idk if I'll get the fourth today, but I'll make it up.

The goal of this post is to be candid about my future plans and goals.

So I didn't state this expressly, but I've been out in LA for Patrecon, which is a convention hosted by Patreon for creators to talk to each other and about the platform. Wow. It's been life changing, and hopefully in ways that you all will appreciate.

I've going to go full time writing in 2019.

It's funny, I'm tearing up as I type it. I'm not typically an expressive person. Vulnerability scares me. But I'm putting myself out of my comfort zone for this so that you guys get the raw truth. Woo.

Thanks everyone. I couldn't do it without you.

In concrete terms, I don't think this will me an increase in LoRG production speed. Instead, I'll focus on keeping this speed and making a better product with you all. Hopefully, I'll also have the time to go through editing for the beginning of the story, which has been a source of stress for me for a long time.

Tentatively, I'll have a side project that I'll release on Mondays and Fridays. 

Anyway, this is all two months away. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's focus on closer things. Being here has given me a lot of perspective on these things, so I hope to increase what I'm able to offer to Patrons. Or maybe, I want to be more honest about how concretely helpful you are to me, and recognize those who do it more.

Thing one I want to work on: Discord. I received messages from people who worked on discord servers in the past when I set ours up, but I didn't really follow up. That's a mistake. I want to do at now. So if you have skills and experience with that, feel free to message me on here. We can talk about what's possible, because I have some ideas.

Okay, let's take a step back and force myself to be vulnerable again. I can't do this without your support. Thank you, so so much. I don't thank you guys enough. And y'all give me a lot. Honestly, the money is secondary to the times where people point out a problem with the plot or misspelling. Those are invaluable.

Wah, I am rambling now. Okay, I have notes. These are things that I believe I am good at (I would appreciate if those who disagree would keep their opinions civil and concise) :

1. Naming Things (I think I come up with cool names for Clases and Skills, etc.)

2. Fights (Maybe less so recently, but I think that's because the nature of the fights have changed)

3.  Mythology (I always like slipping in an origin story)

4. Making Sudden Connections (I have eureka moments a lot in scene. Some of your favorite stuff comes from those)

5. General language flow (less exciting, but I think I am quite readable)

6. Designing Systems (mmmmm.... rules)

And this next list is the things I've been working on:

1. Characters

2. World Building

3. Knowing the Plot Ahead of Time

I think, rightly, some people have talked about the sidestories, and what they are. I hope they are enjoyable, but they are also me "exercising" my writing muscles. So please, be patient as my skill in those areas grows to rival my other strengths.

This is all to say that I'm not a perfect person, and I don't know everything. But I'm trying. And everyone who is out there and comments helps me. I can't tell you how many times I've written something and someone in the comments says something like "what about x..." and everythign comes to a screeching halt. 

Special shout out to Choboman for this, but there dozens of y'all who have given me this help.

I get excited easily, and I'm forgetful. So when I have a really fun idea, I forget some things. So those comments help ground me, and make the story better. I can't do it without y'all. Third and last time I'll say that.

But I want to recognize those moments from now on. It's hard to cover with comments and Discord, but I'll do my best. And I'll comment directly when something was really important for me to here.

I have some ideas about other forms of recognition for this, but that will wait a bit. For now, just please, keep commenting and helping me flesh out the world. And I know that there are those of you who might not care so much about this stuff, because you are satisfied with consuming the story, and that's great too.  This world was made to share. But for all of you who care, let's do this.

I think that's everything for now. I'm gonna settle down then proofread and post.

Let's make this story something super cool together.



Muntu Omnyama

Congrats on the decision to go full time . I am not a fan of much but I’m glad to be fan of yours . Thank you for sharing your world.

Kevin Ramos

I have to say, you are a fantastic writer and your stories are always a pleasure. I'll be honest, some parts of the story just lost me. Nothing in particular, but the story just didn't click at some point and I stopped reading at some points or skimmed over. Regardless, I enjoy your work and look forward to the end of this fantastic ride, even if I'll miss Randidly at the end of it all. 🤗

Nathan Emerson

I've loved this story since I first started reading it, I eagerly anticipate every new chapter and read them immediately. You are one of the most prolific writers around.


Litrpg authors get a pass on planning the plot if they take something a character earned a long time ago and have them use it cleverly in a clutch situation, the readers just assume you had it in mind the whole time. I guess just throw some shit that isn't immediately usefull at the wall and wait for inspiration to strike before using it.


Hey, I wanted to let you know that not only are you the single guy whose basically pioneered the System Style Litrpg subgenre, you're also one of my favorite authors. I started tearing up knowing that you'll be making it as a writer, and I look forward to reading every chapter you write!


Honestly, I wouldn't worry about doing side characters, as long as you flesh out their parts of the "legend" and not abandon them, even if patrons complain. Perhaps make interlude chapters much longer to compensate.


I'm glad to see you've gotten more excited about writing going forward I feel like you do your best writing that way. Seeing how motivated going to this Patreon con has made you, I would recommend trying to get more involved in online, or in person author groups. I feel like web authors have a lot harder time than more conventional authors, because they have to produce content at consistent rate, with some sporadic advice and feedback from their readers. More conventional authors get a lot and sometimes to much advice and feedback from their publisher and editor. Also, I think both going full time as an author and starting a side project are good ideas. I think going full time as an author is a good idea, because you've writing this story for quite a while now and I think your patreon readership has become fairly large and consistent. Additionally anyone who has written over 700 chapters for a story can be safely considered a professional author in my book. I think the side project is a good idea since it could help you focus those creative writing impulses that have been leading you to create so many new side stories. It also is a good idea if your going full time, to be thinking about what comes after randy's story.


Congratulations on making the leap! I’ve faced a similar jump in the past and have known a few others, and no one has regretted it, even when it didn’t work out entirely. Life is too short not to take calculated risks. I look forward to buying your books in kindle format when you get there ;) I love your side stories and I feel like explorations of other classes and ideas are one of the better things about the most recent chapters, as much as I miss the raw power that Randidly can bring to bear and want to see what happens on a larger scale.


Also: make sure you schedule regular time to focus on the business side of things, come up with new ideas for growth, etc. writing isn’t just writing, it’s also promotion, fan outreach, etc.


Ok, I honestly don't know what this is. 1. You're being disrespectful to an author who gives us amazing content. 2. There really wasn't a coherent point throughout this. 3. You said he was "intellectually insulting" while also writing "you dipshit lazy mutha fucker.....I see you ☹️ You are now the personification of the state you visit!!!! Please post this same o same o for the umpeeth time,,,,," Also, stop saying "we". This is a you thing.


Hey puddz, iv been following you on RR since The Great Tower and have been reading LoRG since chapter 1 and i have to say i loved every single second of it!!! Iv just recently got the financial stability to help you out on patreon and i hope to help you in anyway i can. <3


Please ignore Radar, Puddles. I’m a new fan and really admire your work. I admonished you for the “side characters” in the comments of your last post, but I can see that you’re using them as a way to flesh out your writing. I’d just suggest picking and sticking to certain already established characters and expanding on them, rather than constantly introducing new characters who are then left to the wayside 50 chapters later. Think of ASOIAF. The series has many characters, but there are many main characters. People don’t mind the jump in perspective each chapter when the character is already known to them. Anyways, keep up the amazing work and I’m wish you well in all your future writing endeavors :)


Congrats Puddz! I’ve been a big follower as well. It’s great to hear that your finally putting your all into this. It’s a big step, but know that your supporters will continue to support you every step of the way!

jailbreak (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-24 08:15:16 Clases -> Classes Just joking. I'm excited to see where the story goes in 2019, and wish you all the best with wherever you intend to take your story.
2018-11-05 15:20:12 Clases -> Classes Just joking. I'm excited to see where the story goes in 2019, and wish you all the best with wherever you intend to take your story.

Clases -> Classes Just joking. I'm excited to see where the story goes in 2019, and wish you all the best with wherever you intend to take your story.


Been with you since Great Tower and LoRG has helped me through some tough times. Been with you through some tough times and grew as you grew as an author. Your writing has given me not only gave me so much ideas for both my path and a path for our future education system, but also helped me keep positive.