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Just had some strange thoughts yesterday and thought I would share. I considered doing a joke chapter for 666, but decided against it. Mostly due to time. Better spent elsewhere.

However, the inspiration was I've been reading a lot of Korea returnee novels lately, so I spent quite a lot of time thinking of what would happen in a returnee type novel in Rand's world.

Obviously Rand wouldn't be the one to return 10 years or whatever and get a do-over, but what side character do you think would be the best to follow on a redo?

What if the returnee partied up with Randidly early and helped him defeat the Sphinx? Took the Aether Spring?

Randidly would waste away with Aether Starvation, and the new MC would need to figure out how Rand managed to make his an Aether Crossroads, so he could make an Aether Connection to him. Just as he did so, Rand gets pulled to Shal's world, and new MC has to chase!

Just a fun thought experiment~



That would be pretty cool, actually! I mean, awful to watch Randidly suffer 'cause of some idiot, but it'd be a really interesting story.

Kurt A

A world where Neveah IS the returnee, and her actions so far are due to the method of returning suppressing/removing her memories. She was actually Yestyx, but from a timeline where she killed RG and took his Aether spring for herself. Unforseen consequences result from that action and she ends up getting captured/trapped by the system and uses the Aether spring to return to the past after sacrificing most/all of her images and memories. She ends up in a dormant state until RG calls upon her and they form their bond. And with every avatar of her former self that RG kills, more and more of her memories return.

Alan McBrayer

I've tried reading the returnee stories because I find the premise to be interesting but they either heap huge amounts of luck on the person or rely on random incredible power-ups which destroys all interest I have in the stories. I figure a good returnee story in your universe would be someone who travels to Donnyton and tries to get one of Randidly's blessings and uses that free aether to get strong enough to kill their own tribulation and get their own spring.

Prinny Knight

Why not have a person return to a year or 2 before the system change even happens. -dood- with/without powers and skills, trying to warn a bunch of people that don't believe or perhaps just abusing skills to rob a bank -dood- Try get rich quicks scams so they can build an actual castle or bunker before hand. -dood- just a bunch of stuff you can do with the knowledge of whats to come -dood- just food for thought, what would you do in that position? -dood-


Interesting idea and I'd like to see where you could take it, but it would be horrifically painful to see Randidly suffer in the backseat due to some returnee taking away a lot of his early accomplishments. Maybe if the returnee started off in a different zone, but had met and interacted with Randidly multiple times, it would be a nice little story. If he did his own thing to take advantage of his extra knowledge and reached a similar level as Randidly, that would be nice(imo).


I would enjoy reading about Donny getting a redo so he can become a better town leader or something. I want to read about Donnyton growing and evolving. The different leaders supporting him, the trade and creation of items, the study on magic, and the forging plus enchanting Sam does. It’s the Hometown of the Legend himself. I bet it’s possible to even have Donny start back the moment everything changed, back to a scrawny spoiled teen, except he has a year or two of memories from what’s happened before the “return”; I hope he can remember enough relevant information to be useful to his and the town’s growth.


I believe you may be creatively bored with Randidly and this returnee effort would be a needless distraction that some may also appreciate; however, significant others may get permanently discouraged and therein lies your quandary.

Gage Anzano

This side note cured me of my writer's block, though not the returnee concept.

George Hicken

Would be interesting spin if the creature, or similar entity, was a returnee. Maybe of Lyra..., but I’m sure you already have plot for them.


I would like to see Randidly's dad get a second chance to overcome his inner demons