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Real quick, I had three ideas for short storylines in our Earth interludes. Which of these is the most interesting? Or comment your own.



As a $1-patron, I'm not well informed, but at first glance, seeing how things work in a new Zone would be interesting - do they have their own way of doing things, or organizing society? HOWEVER, Randidly will probably visit there anyway, which means the most interesting part of it is really just a teaser. Assuming [Orders] are a System feature, that might be just as interesting, and maybe something we wouldn't hear of otherwise. So in the end, my vote goes to Alumuran (whoever that is) and to learning about Orders, so as to maximize the information that readers get in the end.


I want to see how different the new zone is. Considering the fact that humans are the most diverse in classes seen. I wonder if that will be reflected in how different the Zones are. Look at how different zone 32 and zone 1 were.

Scott Frederiksen

I'm really tempted to do the cook, but lack of love for that option made me pick my number 2. The orders, and also learning a bit more about a more standard heretic... Though since it was a group formed one, maybe not to standard... Curious what his judgements will be.

Patrick C

I voted the cook cause I could totally see Randidly doing something like that but the Drake one would be interesting as well.


I believe the second option is more unique than the third and first options. It could add more flavor to the story than a fighting expedition.


.... who's Drake? Seriously I remember a dancing tree but some side character dude? Psh.

Silver Beard

Sydney Guard Capt. He had the bone armor and was her representative on the Raid Dungeon

Silver Beard

Only military cook so far is that idiot RG had to keep protecting. RG himself is a Heretic and the Church is still a villain...nothing new there. Only really new content would be 3rd option.


It's seems a lot of people care more about set pieces and plot than character and storytelling. I wanna see how the only other heretic on earth we know about grows and develops.


I voted for the Drake interlude, but tehlu brings up a good point I'm very interested how the other heretic grows and if his tribulation is around the corner.


I'm gonna vote for the heretic, I want to see how another heretic controlled by an organization acts in the world.


New zone because: cool! But might be better to have Randidly explore it if that’s an option. Church heretic and orders is a close second, although I feel like you might want to visit that when they’ve had time to develop. Following someone young in a couple hundred years after the main story might be a great next book :P


I'm voting for the heretic but mostly because I want to see the Orders from the point of view of normal people, and I like seeing grand events from the point of view of bystanders that don't really care


I wanna see the history of the new zone and how they got to this point.


To offer an alternative to those three: maybe show one of the smaller zone around 90-100 and the struggles they are having.


I like that idea. It would probably take years until they get connected, and it's not like we're going to see Randidly go to every single Zone, defeating every single instance of Yestyx, so this would not be redundant information. Only thing is, without Randidly or extensive government preparation... It would probably be pretty depressing, with like 99% of the population dead and a single heavily besieged Village...


I've previously suggested a story illustrating how Arbor or Thorn goes about evolving without input from Randidly.

Idan tal

I won’t be surprised if most of the small zones (60+) failed and got sent as dungeons to other planets already, or starved without ether, or got invaded by their “brother village”..

Silver Beard

See if it gets judged and killed? From the tiny bit of text. The Church Heretic seems more like an Aether battery than an actual participant. A person to absorb the system deniers aether