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Hey guys,

Apologies, but there will be no chapters tonight. Both because I waffled on how to handle this charity dinner, and also my mind was on other things.

To that point, I wanted to post a bit about stats and the System and its presence in the story. To clarify, I'm still doing what I've always been doing. But because I'm juggling more Skills and PP and Stats, I simply make more mistakes. 

In addition, because there is more stuff, I tend to do it less because its a time sink with not a lot of payoff for the story. And because I put it off, more builds up... it has spiraled a bit.

So, I want to move back towards more regular power check-ins with Rand. This prior chapter where he gained like 40 PP was a taste of that. I'll move more into specifics, but I was testing the waters, as it were.

I love stats. But I know that some people don't share that same fascination. Perhaps I've let myself stray too far away from overloading with stats. There is a satisfaction from Leveling that's hard to equal. Maybe it's just because Randidly has become so powerful, and he waited so long to Level, but I've been neglecting it. No longer.

I'll also provide more concrete information about what effects certain paths had in the future. Sometimes I just get lost in my own world.

Anyway, look forward to more light being shed on his Soul Skill and Paths!




Thanks m8 ^_^ what I want to see is the effect of what the first legend gave :D


I think this is a good idea because I think most of the readers who have stuck with you for 500+ chapters probably share your love of leveling and stats. Well I agree Randidly has gotten really powerful with tons of paths and skills, and that it's gotten to the point that seeing all of it put together honestly makes my eyes glaze over, but even with that being the case almost nothing beats the satisfaction I get when Randidly finds some new use for one of his skills, or manages to level a bunch and get a bunch of stats, or manages to complete a very long path. My advice would be to keep a sticky note on your computer with all of randidly's stats, skills, and paths and to keep notes when your writing chapters and then when you post 2 or 3 chapters in a night on the last one you could copy and paste the info at the end and make the more recent changes from the newer chapters. I feel like this would save you a lot of time and I really hope your not typing this from scratch every chapter because that seems like it would be supper annoying and mind numbingly repetitive considering how massive all of that has gotten.


Sounds legit. 😁


I would also recommend formatting it like a stat list. Instead of a continuous line. I think that would make it easier to edit and track skills and paths.