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Tatiana’s eyes shot open, then they narrowed. This was a yell she recognized, one she had heard far too many times in the past to mistake. The man Tooya was standing above Kari, glaring down at the fallen women. There was a fresh red mark on the side of her face where he had struck her.

Then things began to happen very quickly.

Her hands clenched into fists. There was a hand in hers, but it had slipped from her mind in the heat of the moment. Abruptly, she felt a flash of concern. Her Strength wasn’t something normal people could take, and she released the man’s hand. Hopefully, he would forgive her later.

Then everything was lost in a flood of red as Tooya raised his hand for another blow.

Ricky Stain was talking next to her. “Hey now, none of that at my party-”

Launching herself forward, Tatiana ripped through the 10 meters of space across the pool in a single step. When she landed, she leaped again and found herself next to the infuriated man and his grinning brother.

It was that grin that did it. It reminded Tatiana of grins she would rather forget.

Her Imposing Presence smashed outward with all of the fury she could muster. Stalwart figure kicked on, as well as Ambitious Strength. The brother stumbled backward away from Kari, while Tatiana’s hand casually rose and stopped Tooya’s next blow.

For several seconds, Tooya struggled as the brother regained his feet. Almost at the same time, they realized what had happened. Their eyes narrowed in just the same ways; they were truly related, and the traits they shared were not ones that Tatiana would consider desirable. She suppressed the urge to strike to man and kept her voice even. Around them, the party was slowly grinding to a halt.

“Take a step back.”

Tooya seemed to finally realize what was happening, and why. And there was only incredulity in his eyes. “All this, for a fucking slut? She was-”

Tatiana flexed her hands, and her power gauntlets came out of her spatial watch and formed around her hands. “Back the fuck off, you prick.”

Across the pool, Ricky Stain was shouting. The brother drew a plasma pistol, but before he could get a bead on her, a hand grabbed his wrist and forced the pistol down. Griffith stood there, towering over the brother.

“No need to escalate this,” He said calmly. His gaze slid to Tatiana. There was a warning in his eyes. He would stand with her as long as she didn’t seek any retribution. His gaze traced her gauntlet, then flicked back to Tooya.

Then, as one, Tatiana and Griffith realized that neither had paid close enough attention to Tooya.

“If you don’t let me go, I’ll blow you the fuck to smithereens.” Tooya raved, waving around a plasma grenade in his free hand. Luckily, Kari seemed to finally come to herself, and she scrambled up and out of the middle of the standoff. Someone in the crowd caught sight of the weapons, and one person began to scream.

Then dozens joined, and people rushed away from the group standing around the pool.

“You’ll die too, I’ll only have a scar,” Tatiana hissed, hating that she would be forced back by this man’s idiocy.

His eyes were gloating and vicious. “You think I won’t-”

“No, you won’t.”

The man Baloo was there, and plucked the plasma grenade out of Tooya’s hand, breaking several fingers in the process. The man began to howl. The grenade beeped as it engaged. Without a care, Baloo tossed the thing into the pool.

“Even with the water, that-” Griffith was saying, but then the grenade went off, a geyser of superheated steam and water shooting upwards in the air. A shockwave of air hit the group, staggering most of them. Steam billowed outward, blanketing them all. Tatiana’s initial thought was that the plasma would eat through and drop on the apartment below, but then she stood and spun because the brother had come free. Griffith had let go when the shockwave hit.

The brother was aiming, but not at her. Her guard slackened, and she opened her mouth to warn Baloo, but the brother already fired. The bolt of plasma streaked towards the man…

...and he casually reached up and caught it, then tossed it to the side. Then, as if it stung a bit, he shook his hand vigorously, as if to dislodge any remnant pieces.

Did Baloo have… some sort of gauntlet equipment too…?’ Tatiana wondered. But then she snapped back into focus, and spear tackled Tooya to the ground before he could regain his balance. With her non-gauntleted hand, she punched him, hard enough to break his jaw. Just one, for the one, hit he landed on Kari. Then she stood.

Griffith knocked out the brother. Baloo stood there casually, seeming to ignore the superheated steam. The pool was a smoking crater, barely any water remaining.

It seemed the party was over.

There was a cough.

“So,” The woman Sonya said, swaying as she walked over towards them. “Who is up for a nightcap?”


The bars that serviced the steelworkers were always open. It wasn’t Randidly’s first choice, but he was annoyed that the asshole Tooya had interrupted him from getting his fortune told. To his delight, Tatiana agreed to meet them for drinks, after she had checked in on the woman who had been hit. Griffith agreed to come too.

“It’s rough, out there,” Griffith was saying, as the group sat in the corner of the bar where Randidly had been approached about this party. They had gathered a small crowd of steelworkers, who were listening intently to Griffith’s story. “The monsters in the borderlands… they are made on a different scale. Before 50, each one gets stronger as they Level, but now they get smarter too. I don’t know how much you pay attention to Ghost’s quarterly information releases, but immediately after the borderlands opened up, he released a supplement confirming that monsters had Skills.

“Before, no monster had bothered to Level them. Now, it’s all they do. They were designed to kill.”

“Maybe,” A steelworker said, as Randidly flexed his hand underneath the table. “But the Tier 5 guys can handle it. This is what they trained for.”

Griffith just sighed. Surprising himself, Randidly spoke up. “...eventually, yes. Griffith isn’t saying they can’t, he’s saying that in the past, there were Levels, stats, and Skills. Levels could be adjusted, humans would have higher Skills, and monsters generally have higher stats. But now, the monsters have higher stats and higher Skills. Until the people can get their Skill Levels up to match, it will be hard. And as the difficulty of Leveling gets so high above 50…”

“Above 50…? Has someone reached it?” A young man asked, looking with bright eyes at Randidly. He opened his mouth, then closed it, shrugging. Well yes, someone had, but no one you would have heard of…

The discussion was about to resume once more when the door to the bar opened. Tatiana stepped through, looking exactly like a woman who wandered away from an opera into the wrong part of town. But despite the fact that she wore a cream dress covered in the prints of blooming golden flowers, she confidently walked into the bar, scanned around, and made a beeline for their table.

Feeling somewhat unsure, the steelworkers shuffled out of the way. She smiled at them kindly. “Please excuse me.”

It wasn’t that there were no female steelworkers, or that their steel town was so small and stuffy that there weren’t any pretty women here, but… Tatiana truly was at her best when eyes were on her. She had a strange ability to captivate. She was the perfect foil to Randidly, or perhaps the old Randidly. Begrudgingly or not, Randidly was slowly learning to deal with people. It was much easier now when the people here didn’t know him as the Ghosthound. Gave him a blank slate to start from.

After Tatiana sat, most of the steelworkers slowly started to drift away, giving her awed glances. Then their gazes turned envious as they looked at Griffith, Randidly, and Gregory, but still, they left. To them, it was probably clear that Tatiana came for a discussion that they wouldn’t be privy to.

And when the last person had drifted off, she started talking, and it wasn’t what Randidly was expecting.

“Thank you. Both of you.”



I know writing about Randidly going undercover in zone 1 can ease the introduction of new characters and it allow you to make some world building, but to me it feel so pointless.


The entire situation now feels pointless and a waste of possibly precious time, Randidly is the single strongest person in his zone, i get that you are writing him doing this as a way to locate the influence of the creature in Zone 1 but it doesnt really come across that way. And to be fair his "investigation" are minimal at best which reinforce my previous point.


Hello cliff my old friend.... hanging there at the "end".... ;)


I think there was really only two things he could do in considering the situation with the creature, Be up front and tell zone 1 what he is looking for and basically have an inquisition looking for the creature and it's plans, or take the careful approach and try to slowly investigate zone 1 well looking for any signs of it and it's influence. The subtle approach seems like the smarter approach, and well sometimes randidly's bullish determination can make him act like a wrecking ball, usually he's pretty good about being careful and thinking things through.

Alan McBrayer

He did just spend 6 months wandering in the woods with a few friends to investigate the nature of classes. I’ll admit his goal of making several thousand steel bars seems a bit slow/stupid, but the fact of the matter is Randidly isn’t in a hurry and he is quite worried about the creature


I get what you mean, but the zone werent connected during those 6 months, so it's understandable that we wasnt in a hurry. Now though i can't understand why Puddles would stick Randidly in a factory for such a stupid goal.

Silver Beard

Consider how politicians are in the real world. The moment they knew there was some super being with advanced knowledge around. First they'd assume they were more capable than RG of handling it. Second they'd want to capture and interrogate the creature for their own ends. Finally they'd more likely kill or betray RG as in the best interests of Zone 1. Recall Hank has standing orders that say he can kill if he thinks he can get away with it.


You make a good point, especially since zone 1 is from D.C. and seems to be run by ghost and mostly pre-system politicians, who have a history of making those kinds of decisions. Also I could see them trying to treat Randidly like that, and trying to capture and study him.


it's not a stupid goal. he is working his way up to drone manufacturing. making steel bars to sell, is a minor goal, as is *stockpiling* ingots to learn drone making later. if he can make drones, then he can combat ghosts drone army amd search for the creature easier


Yeah that's what i said, that's a retarded goal. It makes me wonder if high stats take away your capacity to think realisticaly. I can easily think of dozens of realistic ways to do exactly what you just said, without taking a bunch of time. But i guess that's not the first time Puddles did away with critical thinking and just plot armored his way through.


I actually like these chapters. Im constantly wondering when Randidly is going to reveal himself.


why do you think the goal is stupid? what would you have him do instead? that doesn't tip off ghost?


Just waiting for Randidly to pop off. Maybe we'll get Randidly vs a combat drone army. That'll make my day.


I think it is stupid because there is so many better options, that are either faster, or doesnt end up with him wasting a bunch of time in a factory. And even if he does tip Ghost off, so what ? Even if he is linked to the creature, she knows Randidly is going to track her, why would she assume otherwise ? With Randidly's relative strengh, they wouldnt be able to say anything, or be able to follow him at all. There was even a few line about him thinking to dedicate a skill slot to drone making, wtf. The more Randidly become powerful the more Puddles make him make dumb decisions.

Silver Beard

Wondering when Ezekiel hits Donnyton and gets the run down on Rand and reports back to Ghost. That should trigger a fadter plotline.


I liked Randidly mini vacation, I think he subconsciously tries to get a bit of rest and go back to being a normal dude.


His rest consisted of grinding refine and extract for days on end. I don't know why people think he was wasting time. Refine and extract are necessary for potion making


The more powerful he gets the less desperate he gets, the calmer he gets. You want a protagonist that bulldozes his way through every situation but Rand is evolving past that. He’s probably the strongest person in all the zones. He has the luxury to waste time. I personally think its about time he took nathan as a disciple/apprentice or whatever. He should waste more time, thats where real character growth happens


So does Fire Resistance count against plasma?, or did he just get a new skill to level up?


Plasma resistance seems mind of specific for a resistance , maybe energy weapon resistance?. Includes lasers and tazers


I never said i wanted a character bulldozing his way through, i just exprimed myself over this situation which in my opinion is kinda like trying to cut a tree with a stone while you have a working chainsaw on the side. I also disagree that he has the luxury to waste time as even Puddles has been stressing out that fact for a hundred or so chapter, with the calimity + creature and all that. Seems irresponsible and illogical of Randidly to waste time like that. I may be a bit salty but he won't get punished for making bad decisions with his usual plot armor anyway. :/

Alan McBrayer

Plasma is a super heated material so it stands to reason it applies to fire resistance. His defensive stats are probably too high to get any new resistance skills from a single hit


Thomas, you ever heard of efficiency vs effectiveness? Focusing on Efficiency is very potent for transformation (change) but Effectiveness is very potent for information (direction). RG doesn't know how much about Zone 1 yet, or more importantly, the full story of what the creature has done to it. Therefore, discerning an effective direction is more important than prioritizing the rate of growth. Yes you can grow twice, thrice as fast but it's pointless if you're growing in the wrong way. A bit like aiming to go faster in the "correct" (perceived) direction without knowing whether it's towards doom or salvation. He needs relevant information. Regarding your tree cutting example, Yes the chainsaw would be quicker but it would make a lot of noise. A couple of friends and I used to play a hardcore version of hide and seek where the people hiding had to sneak up to the people searching and pretend stab them before they're identified and have their name called out. After many iterations of the game, everyone figured out that the best way to search is to also be stealthy while doing so. He needs a change in approach because many have tried to go against the Calamity before and have failed. Sometimes, you find what you're searching for in the most unlikely places and ways. With the creature, the harder you try to search for it, the more it'll evade your perception due to it being meticulous. It's better to live among them but not one of them, trapped in the shadow of their culture...

Silver Beard

Good excuse to level his endurance finally, think he has 'recovery' covered well.