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I have four chapters written, but I've been working at my girlfriend's new house. She has no wifi.

Expect these tomorrow to be released when I get access to wifi, and another release of 3 later tomorrow.

These are another bunch of chapters I'm having a lot of fun with.


Silver Beard

Thanks for word - 23 hours later... hmm... I guess it will be 'another', later tomorrow? Hope you are OK.


thanks for the update, looking forward to the mass release.


Can't wait to read them!


Tether with your phone and upload the chapters no? Too eager


NO WIFI!!!, use your patreon money to bring her to the 2010s, please. or better yet, just have her move in with you.


Scratch that comment, women are distractions. Break up with her so you can focus all your efforts on what really matters, writing.


How old is puddles?

Silver Beard

Must be something to do with jumping through secure permissions; would think if you can post the update- it couldn't be that more difficult to post content.

Gage Anzano

I want to know a little more about keirstys cult like WHAT besides giving arbor attention is there goal or tenants.


To praise Arbor and ensure his sapling spread across the worlds of the system

Gage Anzano

That I understand but I should have specified whats RG's. Like is he and all the soul seed plants gods also or are they just mentioned in the "gift of leaves" codex or whatever the high priestess call there Bible if they have one.

Silver Beard

Its the role RG assigned. Pillar of the community. Little curious that neither have levelled since then.

Gage Anzano

They no longer receive guidance from RG since four shaded clockwork world so they do but he's not directly involved anymore


So, are the saplings that grow from Arbor's seeds children - independent entities - or are they just extensions of the original Arbor, still interconnected somehow?

Gage Anzano

From what I could tell it kinda works shadow clones with some differences, it has multiple versions of itself that share memories but it also shares senses so those saplings are like groot sort of a hive mind but only a single concisness. A simaler way the creature works actually.


In the original description when he was guiding arbors growth it described how he is One of Many, and that he spreads out far and wide. So i think each individual tree is arbor, and all of them together are Arbor. An existence unlike that which we can experience.


Still no Wifi? Its 4 am for me now and i refuse to sleep until you get some wifi.