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I just want to say thank you for everyone's support to get all the way up to 500. That is (and feels like) a lot of chapters. It took a year and three months, but I got here. I am, of course, continuing. I think I tentatively projected that LoRG (Part 1, but I'll get to that a bit later in this) would be 700-800 chapters, which means we are over halfway.

Or somewhere there abouts. I believe we are into the deep meat, and now things need to unfold.

Announcements first, then some spoiler-y stuff.

First announcement: I'm going to be dividing up May by weeks, and setting goals for each week. This is much more for myself, because there are a lot of administrative stuff for LoRG that I have put off for writing more content.

I don't regret my dedication to content, but your dedication as fans to me deserves the normal Randidly chapters to be delivered in a prettier format.

So, by 5/12 I want to have a discord set up.

5/19 will be me nailing down the deal with the artist I've been talking to.

5/26 will be part of my off time, for my birthday. Don't forget, no releases between 5/23-5/27

End of the Month: I want to release a beta version of a side product that I've been working on during my off Mondays and Fridays.  Before I reveal what it is, I'd like to talk a bit about why I write.

I'm a rather avid reader. Usually on a daily basis, I'll either listen to a few hours of audiobooks, or read about a hundred pages of fiction. Imagine my delight, in January of 2016, when I discovered a strange new story online called Coiling Dragon.

My progression went from Anime to Manga to Japanese Lightnovels, until I finally arrived at the true drug, the Chinese webnovel.

I'm not sure why I was so fascinated by the form, but it delighted me. They were so palatable and short in terms of chapters, but their length made them still weighty. Instead of tension, webnovels managed excitement. Some might say they are a more immature format, and perhaps that is true, but it is still an exercise in empathy and imagination. I think they are wonderful.

Although I find its story problematic, and the translation inconsistent, I remember reading the first 100 or so chapters of God and Devil World, and being enthralled by this post-apocalypse System. I got pretty deep into LMS machine translations as well. As a player of RPGs, pushing these Systems onto the real world was fascinating.

But I think the real inspiration for LoRG came from Change: A New World (my main hommage being that I NEVER use the phrase "the Change" even though it is tempting).

I had two goals when starting LoRG: To finish it, and to have fun. As some of you may or may not know, Randidly Ghosthound was a name a friend used for a long time, and I used it to make him smile. To those of you who struggled with it, I apologize.

The apocalypse system genre was so fascinating to me because there is a lot of things you can do with the social instability that results. As a writer, and as a reader, you can put strange characters into positions of power, and have strange new cultures spring up on the graves of our old world.

Plus, the beginning of the System is best, because everything is fresh and new. That's why I love making up Systems. The level ups come fast, and the twists are novel.

Of course, now I can't read any of it. All I can think is how I would do something differently, and I become frustrated with reading. It doesn't help that I think a lot of the current writers on Royalroad came into their ideas with LoRG existing; it casts a long shadow.

Well, perhaps that's my own vanity. But LoRG will never be the genre defining work of apocalypse RPGs, mostly due to how haphazardly I began, and also due to all the experimentation I have done over the course of the story. 

I think that we are getting close to the point where some work of lit-rpg focused in this area will come and blow the rest of us away.  Threadbare was likely the closest, but it wasn't truly in the same genre. But it is an exemplary litrpg.

Oh, sorry, I'm rambling now. Before I conclude, I want to thank all of my donators for supporting me. It's absolutely humbling to know that so many of you care to read what I create, and are willing to pay for it. It's forced me to reevaluate my life. This summer, I will be making some career decisions based on all of your support.

Oh, finally! As I said earlier, I think the great part of an apocalypse system story is that juxtaposition of fantasy and the social realities we live in. The branching series of decisions an MC makes there are some of the most interesting, and far reaching. So I wanted to make a replayable version of that for y'all to enjoy.

The conclusion I eventually came to was to make a text based game based on the LoRG System. Over the past two weeks, I've basically taught myself enough of a coding language to be confident in doing everything I need to do. The goal is to have a beta version done by the end of May, that will let the players progress in a normal System environment (no starting in a Dungeon) to being at the founding of a Village and obtaining a Class, where the Class.

I'll be looking for some alpha testers later in the month, so be on the lookout for that!

For those of you who read all this, I thank you.

For those of you who are active in the comments and have supported me, I double thank you.




I'll test the shit out of that

Matthew Dauber

also i would absolutely love to help test this game, it sounds awesome


This is an awesome update and I'm super excited!!! This has been my favorite web serial since I found it back when you were releasing several chapters a day on RRL as an initial thing (it's been so long, but I think you were on ch30-50 or so when I hopped on the randidly train).


Oh! It sounds like you have things well in hand but regarding the game thing, if you want anyone to help or look over code, I'm a software developer and I do a lot of game development in my free time so I can probably help if you want more than just user testing. Good luck and feed me more delicious chapters 💜


Sounds good, I've played some games like that and it would be cool to play one based off LoRG.


Sounds great yo. And well done getting here. Cant wait for more.


I love the rambling; the behind-the-scenes author notes are a large part of why I read indie writing. Also, I'd be glad to volunteer to alpha-test the game. I've got some background in game design myself (albeit unsuccessfully) and I'm pretty much a full time writer, so I should be able to provide decent feedback if chosen.


It was really interesting to understand better how LoRG came to life. So for that and LoRG itself, Cheers mate! P.s I would love to participate in the Alpha.

Silver Beard

Sounds interesting- except who wants a class? Everyone will be shooting to be some version of RG would they not?


He's found Coiling Dragon, there no turning back now.

Phnglui mglw'nafh R'lyeh

I find coding extremely rewarding. There are few ways better to force yourself to have internally consistent thoughts. That said it is very difficult to estimate the effort required for a project even for veterans. Don't get discouraged. Also keep up the great work on your story.


Been an avid reader of yours ever since the start of great tower and even commented a long rant to nag you about switching the focus to LoRG as I honestly knew it was a lot easier to emphatically read. Your writing got me through troubled times as the wisdom embedded into the story were the shape that my own jumbled thoughts were seeking, a bit like when you understand something but can't quite put it into words and then stumbling upon an piece of writing which depicts the cloudy bubble of perception in a clear light. I find myself often going back to a few series of chapters whenever I struggle, one such example is how RG viewed time. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not alone in supporting you for how much your writing means to our life. One thing that really keeps me coming back to LoRG is the flavour that you breath into it as your life bleed into your writing. Suffering out of love always brings new life, we are so blessed from the sacrifices you make and you always seem to do so with grace even through the times you were struggling. It's no surprise your leadership in these actions inspires fellow readers to also do the same for the rest of us in their own individual ways. Now that I've stroked ur cock lemme just say, Helen is best gril. I'll let u off on not giving us HelenxRG angry sex cuz u gave us HankxLaurel... for now >=[ (I'm tempted to secretly wish that u and ur gf reconcile after an argument or sum shit just so I get my dose) Anywayz! I'd love to support the game development too even though I got deadlines plaguing this whole month but you seem to be in the same situation again, embracing the challenge no less. You probably already know, but lemme be a bugger; the discord channel will be the key to hitting your writing goals while also making progress in the game development. Let us help once u've initiated, maybe using google drive document to let everyone simultaneously view or work together on the code once u got discord up and running. Need to be more like you, need to stop being a coward and need to embrace the challenge. You're inspiring me to try and make the change I want to see again. Thankz big P!

Gage Anzano

Ha!!! I called cultivation at the beginning.


Honestly as soon as I saw you were making a text based game I had a mini freak out! It’s going to be epic!


There's isn't a story out there that makes me as mad and excited as LoRG. Mad because there are days I can't get my fix, and excited because there are days I'm enveloped in the world you created. I'm glad to have read most of novels you mentioned, threadbare being my favorite, and I can wait to read the rest of what you have to offer.


Thanks Puddles. I'm a bit confused, is it normal for the $10 patreon reward people to be almost 60 chapters ahead of the royalroad release? The $5 patreon reward is also messed up. The latest chapter available on royalroad is 443, and the latest available on Patreon for a $5 donator is 433 which is actually less than the free readers, while the $10 donators are at 500. Your description of the rewards on the right says that for both $5 and $10 donators you would have access to 3 chapters ahead of the current release. Since you are working on administrative things, please fix the $5 donator situation and maybe adjust your reward descriptions! Thanks!


Definitely interested in the alpha, sounds like a pretty sweet idea.


Oh, good catch! I didn't update it after my previous mass post Sunday. I'll fix it now!


My progression with anime and reading was the same too haha and yea coiling dragon (panlong) was the greatest of its genre :D and introduced me into web novels as well. Interesting to see another person who is like me with that :3 but I don't think it's all that uncommon haha and I would be interested in that alpha ^_^


The game is a neat concept, if you have the time you should play Judgment: Apocalypse Survival Simulation on Steam. I think it provides a lot of interesting mechanic that may work well with your story.


I'm very surprised at your inspiration from Change: a new world. It is to this day still one of the worst pieces of fiction I've really tried to make work and dedicated time to. I don't really understand what you can draw from it directly.