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The air was hot here, and heavy. Hank very clearly felt the shape of his tongue in his mouth as he attempted to shape the words.

"I won't deny that killing may... become necessary," Hank said slowly. This was a mission for his country, and he had to accomplish it, regardless of the misshapen tools he was given. That was his burden to bear. "But if I find out you killed someone just to feed your Class... the next person to die will be you."

"That would be a relief," Ezekiel breathed. Before Hank could formulate a reply, a loud shout cut across the rocky area with such force that the ground seemed to rumble in commiseration. It was an expression that was so powerful that it was more natural force than anything else. And when Hank heard the words, his eyes widened.



"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!!" Randidly bellowed, his eyes blazing. He slammed his foot into the ground, and everything trembled. That just made Randidly more annoyed; even the land here in the borderlands was annoyingly resilient. "THAT FUCKING OGRE."

"Limp dick, limp dick," Neveah sang in a soft voice, skipping next to him, imitating the Ogre after it realized that Randidly, even when utilizing Inspiration, could only slay one of its three heads at once. The fucking thing was delighted. Each head was scared that they would be the eliminated one, but the loser would regenerate within 12 hours, which was shorter than the cooldown for Inspiration. It was an especially frustrating conclusion after an almost 20-hour slog through armies of lesser ogres, only to find that for all Randidly's gifts, he didn't have quite enough offense to burn through the Ogre's defenses, both Skills related and purely physical.

He supposed that the Level 70 wasn't just for show. But that didn't make it any easier to stomach.

Randidly wanted to beat up on someone to expend some of the wild helplessness he felt. He tossed Acri to the side, and his living plant spear snapped out of its rigid shape to scurry away. Similarly, Randidly reached back and grabbed sulfur, his amorphous lava plant armor that he wore underneath his bone cloak. The plant already understood and flowed around Randidly into a ball to be cast off. After relieving himself of his burdens, his eyes were sharp as he turned to Neveah.

Hurriedly, she shook her bonehead side to side and dashed off, "I promise to play catch with Tykes. He waits for me."

The image of Tykes' face when Neveah forced the man to play catch with her did fill Randidly with enough good cheer to chuckle. When she learned of the practice of throwing a ball back and force to bond from Randidly, she was delighted and immediately approached Tykes, curious about the ritual. Tykes was initially dismissive. How could she handle the dense metal ball that he spent every night reinforcing and pounding together?

He seemed to have forgotten that of them all, Neveah was the true monster. In terms of the physical stats, she made even Randidly sweat. Which was why she would have made a good sparring partner. But no matter-

Randidly's eyes sharpened. In his poor mood after a wasted day, he hadn't been paying attention to their surroundings. He dearly wanted to capture a Fate Crystal, to see what effect it would have. But it appeared that they had guests.

Unfamiliar ones.

The Zone that had completed their Raid Boss first? The Creature would have a hand there. Making contact was a good thing, although it would push up his timeline by quite a bit. Still, perhaps that was a good thing.

Randidly had spent the past 6 months constantly throwing himself in the most dangerous situations that he could, sharpening himself and his combat-related Skills as much as he could. And the results... well...

They spoke for themselves.

Randidly Ghosthound

Class: Planting of the Forest of Enmity (+x5)

Level: 24 (81%)

Health(/R per hour): 3001/3033 [+730] (1447 [+165])

Mana(/R per hour): 2341/3346 (684 [+9])

Stam(/R per min): 2499/2894 [+60] (472 [+45])

Vit: 312 (+15)

End: 153 (+20)

Str: 307 (+52)

Agi: 332 (+24)

Perception: 356 (+20)

Reaction: 322 (+15)

Resistance: 267 (+45)

Willpower: 395 (+10)

Intelligence: 325

Wisdom: 299 (+9)

Control: 554

Focus: 293 (+4)

Progenitor’s Influence: 9168

Skills (Soul Skill):  Seven Lands of the Spectral Tree Lvl 1122

Combat: Spear Mastery Lvl 178, White Phantom’s Half-Step (Un) Lvl 73, Heavy Blow Lvl 94, Dagger Mastery Lvl 10, Iron Skin Lvl 47, Dodge Lvl 98, Fighting Proficiency Lvl 137, Block Lvl 74, Phantom Onslaught Lvl 42, Sweep Lvl 54, Spear Deflect Lvl 10, Calculated Blow Lvl 89, Roundhouse Kick Lvl 65, Idiosyncratic Cut (Un) Lvl 99, Pierce the Skies, Shatter the Earth Lvl 57, Body Control: Freeze Lvl 37, Stalemate Breaker Lvl 29, Talon Strike Lvl 38, Counter Lvl 51

PoFE Class Skills: Plant Dominance (R) Lvl 106, Spray Holy Sap (Un) Lvl 9, Sharpness Lvl 69, Call Grove Defenders (R) Lvl 34, Earthquake (Un) Lvl 43, Invigorating Call (Humanity)(Un) Lvl 14, Four-Shaded Domain (A) Lvl 29, Phantom’s Lantern (Un) Lvl 33, Grasp of Lava (R) Lvl 67, Erode Image (L) Lvl 6, Vengeful Bloom (Un) Lvl 19, Galant Intervention (Human) Lvl 4, Spriggit’s Tinkering (R) Lvl 1, Aether Understanding (A) Lvl 39, Summon Lava Golem (Un) Lvl 22, Aether Infusion Lvl 41

The 7 Kata of the Ashen Spear (Ru): The Spear Advances, Ash Trails Lvl 81, As the Sun Stills (R) Lvl 1

The 6 Signs of the Spear Phantom (R): The First Sign- The Inevitable Phantom Arrives Lvl 101 (Un), The Fifth Sign- The Wild Phantom’s Embrace (A) Lvl 180, The Sixth Sign- The Breath of the Spear Phantom (R) Lvl 49

Aether Skills: Aether Detection Lvl 87, Aether Manipulation Lvl 97, Living Aether (R) Lvl 93, System Interference Lvl 10

Spells: Spearing Roots Lvl 85, Mana Bolt Lvl 28, Mana Shield Lvl 32, Arcane Orb Lvl 22, Fireball Lvl 30, Magic Missile Lvl 4, Healing Palm Lvl 12, Pollen of the Rafflesia Lvl 20, Summon Pestilence Lvl 54, Wall of Thorns Lvl 29, Yggdrasil Soul Seed (R), Inspiration (R), Incinerating Bolt Lvl 91, Circle of Flame Lvl 75, Plantomancy Lvl 35, Hammer of the Dawn Lvl 37, Burning Footsteps Lvl 23, Ashes to Ashes (A) Lvl 49, Touch from Beyond (R) Lvl 24, Gravity Affinity Lvl 36, Incendiary Eruption Lvl 22

Crafting: Potion Making Lvl 27, Farming Lvl 32, Plant Breeding Lvl 19, Mapmaker Lvl 7, Analyze Lvl 29, Refine Lvl 39, Extract Lvl 29, Mana Engraving Lvl 99

Yggdrasil: Glittering Leaves of Yggdrasil (L) Lvl 105, The Golden Roots of Yggdrasil (L) Lvl 125, the Emerald Sap of Yggdrasil (L) Lvl 130, the Yyrwood Flesh of Yggdrasil (L) Lvl 127, the Indomitable Spirit of Yggdrasil (L) Lvl 127, the Cruel Indignation of Yggdrasil (L) Lvl 111

Auxiliary: Sneak Lvl 46, Acid Resistance Lvl 22, Poison Resistance Lvl 21, Pain Resistance Lvl 61, First Aid Lvl 16, Pathfinding Lvl 18, Fire Resistance Lvl 83,  Sewing Lvl 11, Cutting Vegetables Lvl 2, Manual Labor Lvl 6, Digging Lvl 5, Cooking Lvl 63, Clockwork Mastery Lvl 16, Aether Connection (A) Lvl 15, Soul Bond Lvl 99, Chef’s Palette Lvl 24, Nether Resistance Lvl 13, Child of the Rain (Un) Lvl 16, Chosen of Fire (R) Lvl 34

But completing the First Legend Path had revealed some disturbing news.

When he had completed it, Randidly had been given +5 stats per Level as a reward, which made him very glad he had paused in his Leveling spree in preparation for going back to Shal's world. But in addition, he received another, more disturbing notification.

Congratulations! There are three great barriers every species must overcome. The first is mental; do you deserve this? The second is a test of outlook; can you dominate this? The third is the very limits of the species; are you more than this?

The first lock on humanity, preventing them from Leveling past 50, has already been unlocked by an individual who created a Runic Rarity Skill. You have now unlocked the second lock, by creating a Legendary Skill. The final lock will be unlocked when a Skill surpassing the Legendary Rating has been created.

Congratulations! You have unlocked Domain Type Skills for Humanity. Although Pseudo-Domains were possible in the past, these shall truly warp the world around you in battle. Only one Domain Style Skill may be cultivated per person.

That meant there was someone out there who had created a Runic Skill, which wasn’t quite so impressive, but also gone through the Path to unlock its reward, and the general lock at the end of it. In addition, they likely also received a boost to growth like Randidly had, although he sincerely doubted that it would be as large as his. And above that, a Skill with a Rarity beyond Legendary probably provided an even larger bonus…

Randidly breathed in, and then out, letting most of his anger fall away. For now, he needed to interact with these new arrivals and find out what was going on in there Zone. With enough information, it would be possible to embed himself there and attempt to find something out about the Creature’s activity there.

There was no way in hell a successful Zone like this had escaped the Creature’s reach.

Several unfamiliar figures were rushing over towards Randidly likely drawn by his swearing earlier. Randidly could almost blush. He didn’t want to be a stern leader of a Zone, but also, a furious youth that had trouble controlling his temper was another image he didn’t really want to possess…

Then Randidly froze.

A figure from the other party, a figure who must have been in Zone 1, froze as well.

“Rand?” Ezekiel Ghosthound said softly, his eyes wide.



Prinny Knight

I will wait........patiently -dood-




I'm dying for chapter 500 this ending for 499 is great


I agree, the endiing is good, but why? I needs more Dx

Idan tal


Kurt A

And now we return to our regularly scheduled episode of the adventures of Cliff Hanger


Reunion time! Thanks for chap m8 :p


Hey all of his ygradsil skills are L instead of A. Did i miss something?


he really needs to work on his endurance, its way behind the other stats


My name is Hanger, Cliff Hanger

Alan McBrayer

His health stamina totals and regen look fine why would he increase his endurance


F*ckin cliff, come on man.... Dammit!!!!


So why hasn't he been using touch from beyond? Or grinding his low level mana skills now that he doesn't want to level? I can't imagine it took him all 6 months to get to level 24 and it just doesn't seem like Randy to not grind skills. Especially touch from beyond as that has already saved him


Also I can only see summon lava golem as a new skill? I would have though he would get skills from his soul skill and class? Maybe I just missed them


I would need to see his previous stat screen but it seems to me that most of his skills didn't level up and ones that should have too. Like Gallant Intervention, he was 6 months into the Wild with people who couldn't fight like him and that hasn't gone up ? Or skills like Wall of thorns, or Spearing roots, he uses that one constantly while fighting ?


Kind of disappointed in the amount of skillspoints he had leveled during the 6 months. If he doesn't grow faster than that, others may overtake him in the future. I also wish we could see more of his own developed skills, and a bigger focus on leveling them.


Urgh, I dislike Ezekiel having special class so much. We don't need everyone related to Randidly being special. It would be better if he wasn't. Anyway, skillwise it seems like he has focused on leveling physical skills he would grind alone. I wonder if all the rank increase he got was due to his legendary path, or something else, though. Very disappointed he apparently never helped his team at all when they fought, never tried to heal them to help them get stronger or anything like that, but it's been a constant of Randidly that he just ignores people around him while he focus on his own stuff. Makes people thinking he 'pushes' them weird though, considering he seems to do the opposite. As for his own grinding of personal skills, it seems he decided to stop working on mana skills and spells completely, as well as didn't try to improve his lagging enhancement skills like erode image/touch from beyond and so on.


Puddles probably just forgot about it, still i'm also dissapointed.

Silver Beard

<a href="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S4N71SIn4aCsmqP_IdjPJ57-QyDegOHkb2kyRYzcnQM/edit?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S4N71SIn4aCsmqP_IdjPJ57-QyDegOHkb2kyRYzcnQM/edit?usp=sharing</a> Potion Making -10...and or course that was part of the modifier for total PP; check it out


Quick breakdown of stat changes for rand below to get a better idea of growth health : +481 , r/h + 448 Mana: +627, r/h +219 vit: +93 end: +25 Str: +65 Agi: +40 Per: +83 Res: +45 Wil: +95 Int: +113 Wis: +110 Cnt: +169 Foc: +25 prog influnece: +2179

Chad Burnett

I dont know which cliff is worse, this or the new avengers movie.

Gage Anzano

And the creature is Rands MOM. #Forshadow#dontusetwitter#dropthemicandfallsoffstage#oww.


Hold on a sec ... Didn't RG create the 7 Kara of the fire spear or wtf it's called and thats runic too. And time wise it happened in like the 3rd or 4th week of the system on his way back from franksburg right? Are you telling us someone created a runic skill even before RG? Cos he didn't get a Path unlock for it that was anything like the first legend path .... Plot hole?

Silver Beard

Still trying to sort the Health/mana/Stam bars- Current/Total [+Gear] (? [+gear]) or what?


Speaking of The 7 Kata of the Ashen Spear. When did As the Sun Stills get fixed? Or is it still broken. Anyone know?


It was mentioned that the pieces of the skill were growing offshoots because of how much Aether randidly has which means he couldn't just fuse the pieces back together


He was told he made the first runic skill when he made it, but it's a Skillset, not a skill. The Spear Advance is apparently only common rarity, so he hasn't created a 'proper' runic skill yet.


Also, the increase to his soul skill (908 PP) doesn't match his increase in total skill levels (824), but that could be explained by skill level reductions when he upgraded their rarities/images.

Silver Beard

Still broken. The skill is definitely a 'PVP' skill; likely not a high priority against mobs. Disappointing he hasn't tried to level it, etc. Hard to say if he can find the 3rd movement until the 2nd is fixed. Phantom set was mentored to him. Ash Trails is his own creation


Don't forget that Rand's class takes massive amounts of xp to level. And since levels increase exponentially, it takes ungodly amounts of xp for him to cross the 25. And some skills take a ton of effort to level, and touch of beyond is something the Creature said is incredibly dangerous to use, not just because of the effects on the body, but the fact that if it is recognised by one of the Cohort Admins, it could be bad news bears for Rand and Humanity. And that the skill level dropped when he gave it to the monster king.


Mmmh. Most likely reason for rank increase of Embrace/Yggdrasil skills is because he did the paths related to them. OTOH, I wonder why the name changed for Yggdrasil seed/Embrace, but not the other Yggdrasil skills.


there was 3 yggdrasil paths if I remember correctly .seed ,growth and crown. seed obviously upgraded soul seed , growth I think upgraded his other skills , not sure what crown would be/do


Does he still have the items from the Phantom Spear inheritance? The chest, journal, and array? or did he leave it behind? Seems wasteful that all this time has gone by and he hasn't completed the whole set when he could probably have done it in a couple days by reading the journal and practicing inside the array.

Phnglui mglw'nafh R'lyeh

Also the power given by levels increases exponentially as the Zone 1 Team could defeat a lvl 59 monster but would have no chance against the lvl 70 boss that RG fought. A boss that he fought to a standstill at lvl 24. I can't even imagine the power of a lvl 70 RG.

Silver Beard

Assuming Incendiary Eruption was from Lavamancer, Wild Phantom Embrace from Phantom Embrace Path, Seed and Growth of Yggdrasil paths, plus end of Legendary... 944 PP needed. So, if Puddles will reverse the -10 potions and add some (since we know from Ptom he leveled it)- could work out.

Timothy Alexander

I can’t believe he still hasn’t integrated White Phantom’s Half Step and Phantom Onslaught into the 6 Signs skill set yet 🙄


id say the avengers movie, that one will take a year at the least before we get some closure...


he got a runic path i believe, but it was named differently as far as i recall, and he didn't go to that path. but when he got the legend rarity he took the path and essentially jumped paths. p.s. sorry if this makes no sense


Still nothing about all the changes to skills and lack of progress in so many important skills.....


where is 498


Don't forget idiosyncratic cut which is almost definitely the last one.