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Hey all!

Apologies for missing Sunday's release, my g/f got sick and threw off my normal schedule for the day. I'll be back to normal tomorrow.

...unless she got me sick...

Well let's not talk about that! There are other things I wanted to cover briefly that I've been thinking about for a while.

One, I've talked to an artist, and will be getting some Randidly work done. Mostly concept sketches for characters, but I'm also getting a large painting done, which I plan to raffle off amongst y'all. I have some ideas about what scene I want to have done, but ideas for that would be appreciated!

As per a recent comment, I'm open to making a discord. I have promised you a Q and A, so we can schedule that for the beginning of May.

While I'm talking, I'm going on vacation for my birthday, and won't release any chapters from the 23rd of May, a Wednesday, to the following Monday. Even I need a break every now and again.

The final thing is an interactive Randidly Vignette, that I'm hoping will be an amusing diversion. I work on it Mondays and Fridays, and hopefully a few more weeks will give me something I can test with you patrons...

Anyways, thanks as always for your support! Back on top of things tomorrow~


Bobby B.

Hey, just a thought, you could do the scene of Randidly fighting the numerals captains, real dynamic type of off center birds eye view at like a 45°, really get an overall of the numerals fighting all together. Just my $0.02


You could do the scene of randidly first doing the spear advances the ash trails


Oooh make the paint on with Randy standing with the tree image in the background as the roots going into the ground and keep the long hair with the spear in his hands making a fighting pose


Or, and I'm just throwing this out there, the painting can be where he got his hair cut.


Sorry to throw my hat in the ring, but Randidly verus the Tribulation Sphinx. That was when things changed. And it was a badass fight. It was what made me fall in love with the story.


The moment when he was charging into drak's sun image and destroying it would be a really good one


I think any of the moments when Randidly uses inspire could be fantastic pieces


Him playing baseball as a child, and then comparing it to him throwing an incinerated bolt


Randidly ridning Neeva in her wurm form while charging down on a calamity

Kurt A

Randidly shooting up into the sky and shattering the image of Dark Wyrd.


Or you could do a painting/picture of how you envision Randidly. Everyone else has an image of him, but yours is possibly the closest to who he is. (Whatever that might look like)

Silver Beard

The fight with Ceil at the competition when RG uses Ash Trails and his image bleeds into reality would make a good picture.