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At first, Randidly was startled by the thought, and the strength of emotion behind it, but then he had to admit to himself, there were very few times in the past where he and Lyra were able to get along. There was some… perhaps flirting, some sexual tension and controversy, but regardless of the motivations, theirs was a history of conflict.

After giving her a few seconds to peer at him, he cleared his throat. “You are right, let’s get down to it. Lyra… you’ve worked with the Creature. You’ve helped her, here in Donnyton.”

Lyra was an actress, first and foremost, and she had continued to hone those Skills from before the System in the world after it. But to Randidly, it almost seemed like the better she was at acting, the more obvious what she truly felt was, as she left a trail of all the emotions she did not fell.

Very clearly, Randidly could see the way the joy in her eyes died, and a resentful cloud emerged to cover her. She smirked at him.


Randidly frowned. She didn’t even offer an explanation or a justification, she was content to just let the answer hang in the air, which infuriated him to no end. And, of course, it made him realize she had answered just like that in order to infuriate him.

But why? What was the point in antagonizing him now?

“Look, let’s not play these mind games,” Randidly started, but she just gave him a dismissive look.

“No games, doggy?” Lyra said, widening her eyes as if she were shocked or scared. “But however else will we relate to each other? We both know that neither of us is emotionally mature enough to have a true, genuine connection. I’m a child, and well, you’re- you’re broken, aren’t you?”

Randidly just looked at her, taken slightly aback. Then something clicked in his head. “...are you seriously still pissed off that I refused to entertain the idea of us being…”

She just looked at him, her face still. Only a look of mild amusement was discernible there. When it became clear he wasn’t going to continue. “Do go on, I’d love for you to admit that something could happen between us. I would feel so vindicated. And I think Sam would have lost a bet.”

“Holy Christ.” Randidly pressed his eyes shut. This was a pointless diversion. He needed to refuse. “We can talk about that… about the past after. For now, I need to know why you were crazy enough to work with the Creature.”

“No, we will talk now,” Lyra said, moving over to the sole chair in her small room and sitting down. She crossed her legs. Her eyes were sharp and clear when they looked up at him. “Because you know what? This is about respect. You refuse to give it to me, and then you act so surprised and self-righteous when I stopped giving it to you. I think you need to get over yourself before we speak any further.”

“Don’t be a child,” Randidly snapped, feeling himself losing control of the conversation, even as another part of him rose, furious, hoping he let loose more.

“Really? Is that the only way you see me?” Lyra hissed, leaning forward, letting her own loss of cool show. “I’ve become a Village Spirit. I’ve accomplished things no one else has done since. Even before you did, I discovered Aether. And I do not have the benefit of having an unending supply of it in my chest-”

“You died,” Randidly said, his tone chilly. “Although your personality remains, the body that birthed it was buried. All because you wouldn’t talk about your plans. That’s what this is about-”

“If I wanted to, I could have saved that body,” Lyra said, cutting him off. “I had it handled.”

His fury mounting, Randidly shook his head, incredulous at her lack of self-awareness. “You spoiled bitch.”

“Really, doggy, gendered language? I’d have thought you better than that.” Lyra smile was back, small and sharp.

Randidly’s hands clenched into fists. “Don’t you dare call me that right now. You are a fool, Lyra. It’s hard to believe that you ‘had it handled’ when you almost ceased to be. You act without thinking and without communicating, just leaving us out to dry.”

“That’s rich, coming from you. You act before thinking and communicating. You are always running off to deal with some other problem, and when you return you barely bother to check in. Meanwhile, I’m here-”

“Is this seriously a jealousy thing?” Randidly asked.

Lyra stood up. “You fucking prick, do you think I don’t know the stakes of this?”

When she spoke, her voice resonated powerfully with the ambient Aether of the Village around him. Abruptly, Randidly became aware of the huge amount of Aether that the Village was putting off. And all of that energy flowed through Lyra. Her eyes were glowing violet, the power there, at her fingertips. They both stared at each other, breathing hard.

“You work with the Creature, who would have us fall to the Calamity,” Randidly finally said, surprised how tired he sounded.

Lyra shook her head. “She offers us a confirmed route to life.”

“So you admit to working with her?”

Lyra just gave him a look. Heedless, Randidly continued to speak. “There is another confirmed route to life, that doesn’t rely on trusting the Creature’s version of events… that is simply being strong enough to defeat the Calamity.”

“Where does your confidence come from…?” Lyra asked, shaking her head. “Think how often we have almost died. That was during the tutorial. You think it won’t scale when the kid gloves come off?”

“The Creature sees us as nothing but toys,” Randidly said slowly, trying not to grit his teeth. He knew the difficult, perhaps even better than Lyra. He had been out there, fighting it. But she continued to refuse to see that. “I will find a way to defeat the Calamity. I have some clues and given time to test some things out, I have my confidence, from training. How can you put your faith in the Creature…? I can’t Lyra. Our deaths would not give her pause.”

Lyra looked at Randidly. Suddenly, abruptly, something broke in her, and her lip trembled. Her eyes were cold and lonely. “...even if you can’t trust the Creature… trust me, Randidly. I’ve talked with her. I’ve seen what she has seen. Violence is not the answer here. Your power stems not from the ability to fight, but your ability to subvert the design of the System. Let’s use that. Let’s figure this out together. If you do not… you doom us all to die by the Calamity. This I swear.”

Randidly breathed in, and then breathed out. This was… not how the talk was supposed to go, but he couldn't’ say he was surprised. He knew that Lyra held resentment in her chest about the way he had treated her, he just had a hard time understanding why she would let it affect a decision of this magnitude.

He also resented her, for playing so cavalierly with her life, and for pretending to be captured by the Creature, while really being fine. In addition, she had chosen to work with the Creature, believing its words, while keeping him in the dark. It felt like a betrayal against all of humanity, and something that Randidly couldn’t forgive.

The sticking point with this conversation was that she couldn’t be removed, not easily, not quickly, not simply, as the Village Spirit of Donnyton. But Randidly didn’t want to be around her if she insisted on working with the Creature. Randidly had no doubt that Lyra would communicate with the thing as soon as they were connected to another Zone with one of the Creature’s incarnations.

That resonance with the Village Aether made Lyra powerful, but it also meant that she could only display her power within the Village. Once he left it….

Randidly sighed, looking at Lyra. “You swear we will die by the Calamity…? How can I trust you, or the Creature, if all you do is offer me threats and ultimatums…?”

Lyra said nothing, her eyes glittering. Randidly shook his head slowly. He turned and walked back out the door. He sensed her fold her arms, but she said nothing as he left. Donnyton was his baby, in a way, the same way that Randidly would never forget the people who had come to Donnyton in the beginning, and became their core.

Now, he was being forced away, because he refused to do something as drastic as try and destroy Lyra, and he refused to be within her sphere of influence if she would choose to trust the Creature on this point. He also knew that she was aware how personally Randidly was taking this decision, and she was vindictive enough to enjoy the pain she was inflicting.

And that bit of sadism made Randidly hate her.

At the door, Randidly stopped. “If you betray this town… I will not show restraint.”

“Ah yes, the first, and last, recourse of men: to lose their temper. Be well doggy.” Lyra said, her tone sarcastic.

Randidly left, feeling ready to kill something.


Idan tal

I know they are both kids, but after all this time and after talking about communication with other people, can’t they actually do it? Just talk things through?

Drew Allan Coon

Dude went full on self-righteous. Gets his ass kicked in a militaristic society that still isn't ready for the Calamity and disregards what she's saying how humans aren't even close to there yet because she hasn't been out in it. Says Donnyton is his baby but abandons it to others at the drop of a hat and threatens the responsible ones who stuck around doing the work to care for it.


Yea I agree both were immature


That... did not go how I expected. I thought both of them had grown up more than this.


Ghousthound really knows how to show restraint to killing someone who works for the creature. Is it possible to replace her with another village spirit like something she did to become a village spirit?


Interesting one, she was willing to become a test subject and cause the horrific mutilation of an entire zone just to survive the calamity (socially and/or physically as we’ve seen) and yet can’t accept that. On the other side he’s not even trying to entertain her thoughts on how the calamity is much worse than the creature purely because “creature=the worst, related to creature= destroy”. It’s honestly quite queer how they can’t just sit down facing each other and just monologue themselves to each other out loud individually before they start to argue, since they seem to have zero understanding of each other here. Let’s not even mention how both of them keep dragging the past in to this Lyra more so but I expected more of randidly too in this regards


I really don't like Lyra as a character, it feels like all she does is dick things over without reason.


When are we seeing the final interaction between RG and that kid


Yeah, Randidly doing his usual "Come in, assume things and doesn't try to talk at all beside saying anyone not going through his assumptions are horrible". For all that he is a good troubleshooter, he is very awful about anything that needs actual background or consistant work. I wonder where it is actually going with Lyra there though, considering that her previous PoV recently said she believes the creature is short sighted and incapable of noticing the actual potential of the humans or Randidly because of her limited PoV. It feels very much like she is trying to push him where she feels he is best suited to be, but the lack of being honest about it seems to be either because she is pised at him or because she has learned that Randidly can't be talked at all with.


I don't get all the critics directed at Randidly. When he went in there she started to provoke him when he asked just one question. The only thing that could be leveled at him would be his lack of trying to understand her point of view but he has several reasons not to. She has always been a loose cannon, going off and doing whatever she wants. For me Randidly has the right idea in not trusting the Creature, because it doesn't care. It has only issued ultimatum since the day they met, all of this under the guise of "protecting humanity" but what it wants above all is security, and if it can get that by throwing humanity under the bus then it will do so. And when the time comes where it turns its coat on all of them how will they be able to fight back if all their weapon come from it. It doesn't even have to be all of humanity, what if an other village from an other zone stands in the way of Donnyton but has showed more promise in the eyes of the Creature ? Do they all get to to go home peacefully ? Even the way the Creature has proceded is revealing, she has hundreds of incarnation, she treats humanity as a test subject, as a petri dish. How many of those get thrown into the bin ? I hope Lyra is trying to screw the Creature too because this is the first chapter I have actually disliked her.


Lyra being caustic with her interaction with Randidily is as usual of course, but what i dont get is how did Mrs Hamilton and Lyra think he'll ever be okay with an alliance with the Creature or anyone who thought they could control or push him into an action, Randidilys reason for hating the creature is her manipulation of him. If lyra and Hamilton try to do the same he WILL turn on them too.


1. Lyra physically can't discuss plans. 2. RG has been refusing to address their issues (a 20 min conversation) that's long overdue. 3. Lyra is emotionally more mature than RG.


Pretty much everything she said to him was correct, even calling him a doggie. "I smell something bad, bark bark, woof woof, attack." If he doesnt like it, stop acting like one.


Honesty I thought this was a poor chapter. Then again I normally skip this kind of meaningless filler when I’m reading an actual book. I’m like a lot of people and don’t care for Lyra as a character. She should have stayed dead after the Tribulation.


I never really had anything against Lyra. In fact, in the beginning I liked her as someone who could act as a sort of foil for RG. When it became apparent that wasn't gonna happen, I figured the two of them would have had enough time apart to grow and develop. But here, it feels like no time has passed, and they are both so pissed at each other that they are incapable of having an actual conversation. On one hand, its a cool example of there being some people who you just can't ever work with, no matter the stakes. On the other, it feels like RG should have tried a little harder to resolve things in regard to Donnyton and Lyra's place in it, especially if he considers it his baby. I look forward to how this arc plays out, and where we go from here.


According to what we know, the Creatures ultimate purpose is probably to destroy/subvert the system. It wants to do this without the system's knowledge of it. It claims there is an enemy that the system is scared and preparing for. An enemy that is from the Nether (Touch from Beyond). The creature has access to this Nether energy. I think the reason the Creature does not want Earth to pass the third trial is becuase once it does it will be too intertwined with the system to be of use and as of now Earth remains its best option to strike at the system. I think the entire system is a way machine and the creature is an agent of the nether trying to subvert the System by sabotaging its very recruitment process.


Lyra was right, they both too childish and broken tounderstand that theyr both on the same side and come to compromise. Rand with his the Spear Only Advances and Lyra with her vindictive, "i will fuck with you cause i cant get what i want" attitude.

Big I

Maybe it's just me, but was Lyra working with the Creature ever alluded to in the past? All I remember is her being a prisoner, then escaping, then trashing the Creature's house. Also of course influencing his Class, but so was every man and his dog.


it kind of was... because lyra gave the creature her connection to randidly's soul... also... do you think she could come up with this "become the village spirit" thing herself?


idk the randidly hate... there is no talking about this. she's not sorry for betraying the human race to make herself special. he cannot trust her to to not fuck them over again when she's unrepentant


i don't think mrs. hammond was part of the creature alliance... she just trusted lyra more than she should. mrs. hammond contributed greatly to tje creatures final demise yanno? unlike lyra who did jack.


Randidilys hate for system not all encompassing as we saw during his class creation when he decided to temper himself with some mercy. Whatever tbe Creatures goals or past is she obviously doesn't give two shits about humanity, you cant take a snake into your bosom even after knowing its a snake thats just stupid, whatever Lyras plan maybe she isn't a match for Creature in sheer intelligence and cunning and even Randidilys recent win against creature is due to sheer unpredictably of the situation and the monster kings willingness to die for his world and Randidilys goals. Lyra and The Creature didn't earn that sort of faith from their followers.


So she thinks that she knows better and should make the decisions for him, and she doesn't care about hurt feelings or betrayal. He's so dedicated to keeping his own autonomy that he'd rather risk the whole world burning than be someone's puppet. Does it really surprise anyone that they can't see eye to eye?


Lyra was likable for me before this chapter. If you removed about half of her dialogue this chapter I would probably still like her. It's not the choices she's made that make her so unbearable now, it's how she's nothing but petty, condescending, and sarcastic in almost everything she says in this chapter. It's like she literally cares nothing about anyone besides herself and Randidly, and is just doing everything she can to upset him, even working with the Creature. Her behavior this chapter seems to be more of a caricature of what she used to be, her worst aspects magnified until she's become unbearable.


I agree almost completely witg lyzrac. The fact is the randidly needs ti make an example about poeple who work with the creature. What he is doing right now is keeping a future enemy alive. He should find a way ti steal ir starve lyra of aether and replace her as spirit village with someone like krysti, the leader of the arbor cult.


While waiting for new chapters I'm thinking about RG's new soul skill. Seems like over time they've been evolving toward more parts per rotation, more path points per part, a greater number of cycles before the skill evolves, and a better return per PP spent. What will it be like? * Green Spear Mastery - 3 cycles of 5PP ea = 15PP, 3stat/10pool - Runs for 250 * Spear of Rot Mastery - 4 cycles of 5PP ea = 20PP, 4stat/20pool - Runs for 500 * Cycle of Rot and Ash - 5 cycles of 10 PP ea = 50PP, 10stat/45pool/1regen - Runs for 1667 * Four-Shaded Clockwork World - 4 cycles of 50 PP ea = 200PP, 63stat/30regen - Runs for 2046 * Seven Lands of the Spectral Tree - ????????????????????

Alan McBrayer

They are both powerful broken people who are both doing their best to combat a unknownable threat that has shattered countless worlds while simultaneously being manipulated by a creature thousands of years old. It's not too surprising that they don't get along.




Isn't that what classes and the system does? Amplifies parts of you until you're a caricature of the most powerful parts of yourself? I think I remember someone talking about that aspect of the system in the past


I really don't like Lyra. Why is it that every other character in this world can find ways to deal with their problems but Lyra becomes such a asshole. I don't know if she is right to work with the creature, though I seriously doubt it is the right move, but there is no reason she can't talk to other people about it at least. There is no reason she has to be so secretive. I mean, maybe it makes sense for Randidly but why not talk to other people. Does she truly believe she is more qualified than everyone else to make decisions regarding the future of Donnyton and the human race. What a fool.


Lyra doesn't believe she is more qualified than everyone else and makes decision for everyone else- that's Randidly who does that. Lyra believes it's better to keep all options open and help Randidly's goal as much as possible while also helping humanity as a whole grow stronger by not refusing the part of the creature's help that can be gotten, and has made sure to have a foil she can talk with that looks over her own actions and make sure to go against herself when she goes too far (Hamilton in donnytown, Randidly outside). The problem is that Randidly is incapable of actual dialog and begins conversations already certain of everythng, not ready to be convinced that things are different than he assumed. Lyyra was ready to talk here, except Randidly immediately interpreteted everything in black and white and assumed that because someone disagreed with him that person has to be destroyed, because he can't imagine that someone can both be on his side but also have different goals than him. You can easily see this on his last three conflicts: *Simon: Simon is a spoiled brat and entitled, but I can't replace him if I kill him and don't want to, so I run away. *Hamilton: Hamilton is doing something I dislike but she apologised, and I can't replace her if I kill her, so I run away. *Lyra: She is doing something I don't like and isn't ashamed of it, but I am not sure I can kill her in her seat of power and can't replace her, so I run away. He is incapable of negotiating or compromise, or thinking that someone can have a differing opinion than his that is as important than his. As Lyra said, Randidly is basically a doggy here. If he sees anything he doesn't like, he barks and attack. Hell, it's hilarious that after keeping everyone in the dark all the time, he thinks that it's a betrayal against HUMANITY for her to keep him in the dark about a specific thing- without checking if she hadn't tried to talk to other people about it, or even tried to talk to him about it. Well, I guess projecting is something lot of people do.


What ? The start of this chapter is Lyra smirking a him when he asked if she worked with the Creature and when he asks her to not play games, she answers "No games, doggy ?" How is this ready to talk ? I'll admit that Randidly isn't the most thinking man out there and that he's probably too straightforward, but Lyra is the complete opposite (and that's not a good thing either). Whether she planned that conversation to piss him off I don't know, but please, in no way one party was open for conversation in this chapter