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Randidly had… a lot of emotions. Sure, these things seemed amazing, and an improvement, but…

Did he really need to fucking have 19 Skills become 4?!?!? And these were Skills that he used all the time too! Most of them were near 100 in level, and would likely continue to grow, independent of each other, fueling his Path craze… but he supposed if he was switching to the Class track anyways….

It was still frustrating. But Randidly could only sigh, and turn to the most recent notification that popped up.

Congratulations! You are the first individual on your planet to obtain a Legendary Ranking Skill! You have obtained access to “the First Legend 0/???” Path.

Another reward path? Well at least there would be some positives out of this… Randidly dismissed that notification, but then was greeted by something that made his heart sink.

You have abundant vital energy remaining! The effects spread.

“Noooooooooooooooooooooo! My skills!” Randidly shouted, falling to his ‘knees’ in his Soul Zone. Lucretia and Neveah spared him a glance, then shook their heads, and muttered to each other about shirking responsibility, and slacking off.

Consolidating… the Skills Anguish, Rejection, Torment, Curse Resistance, and Flesh Eating Virus have been consolidated…  Creating new Skill… based on other available themes, the Skill “the Cruel Indignation of Yggdrasil (A)” has been created! Based on the average level of your skills, the Skill level has been set at 92.

Cruel Indignation of Yggdrasil: With the same hands you support life, you can take it away. There is an active and passive effect. The Active unleashes your inner horrors upon the world, warping and damaging the fabric of reality in the area around you. You will also experience the repercussions. Effect increases with Skill level. Passively, all attacks, Mental and Physical, will inflict increased pain, susceptibility to status ailments, and weariness upon recipients. This effect remains for 10 minutes, and the timer will reset if another stack of the effect is added. The effect stacks to the level of the Skill.

So… the final count was 24 Skills become 5, huh…

Randidly chuckled to himself, falling to his knees. Well… now at least… he had other things to test and experiment with….

Sighing, Randidly left his Soul World. At this point, he wouldn’t be able to focus on studying Aether. Instead, better to address the strange turmoil in his chest, figuring out what exactly had changed. So he felt himself slip back to his physical body, touching it.

Everything was roaring around him, hot and present, a vibrant heat that seemed to fill him, illuminating his insides with pure heat and fire. The strange sensation was so sudden that as Randidly’s eyelids trembled, he gasped.

A breath of air rushed into his lungs, filling them, setting them on fire. They tingled and twitched, and his whole body began to spasm lightly. With his eyes still pressed shut, Randidly rolled on the ground of his cabin, flailing around for something to grab onto. Everything was burning and tingling, not really in a bad way, but in a way that was so present that it was overwhelming. It was like every part of his body had fallen asleep, and now it had to slowly wake back up again.

Finally, his hand landed on something, and Randidly desperately gripped the item. It snapped instead, crumbling into powder under his fingers. 

Furious and feeling profoundly stupid, Randidly tried to open his eyes, but found his eyelids continued to play hookey, simply spasming. Randidly rolled a little further, and felt something give underneath his shoulder as he rolled. Then he felt something else collapsed on him.

Randidly lay there for several seconds, savoring the strange new feeling of his body, which was becoming accustomed to his new body. It didn’t feel… more detailed, really. It just felt… strangely intimate. Randidly first noticed the understanding of the natural world, of all of the skill effects. Around him, he could feel the warmth of the ground, as the sun’s heat slowly was syphoned off. He could feel the roots and bugs and small rodents around him, struggling. He could feel how they would eat each other, get eaten by something larger, and then die, giving food for the least and smallest.

Randidly let out his breath, his consciousness tracing across this grand cycle. Another mistake, however, because his breath came out too fast, causing him to sneeze. His whole body seized at this twitching and throwing the portion of the roof that had collapsed on him off of his body.

“Fucking…” Randidly slowly stood, on one leg, from laying on his back, straightening the leg under him and pushing himself up without any problems.

At the end of it, he found himself striking a strange sort of yoga pose, his arms at his sides, leaning backwards, bent at the waist. His other leg stretched out in front of him. The leg underneath him was rock solid.


He hopped on the leg a few times, delighting in the perfect balance. While he was doing that, Randidly discovered that he could move his other leg, with basically no change in his balance. He began to spin it in a great circle. Except, during one of his little hops, his instincts somehow got spooked as he stepped on a small bit of debris. 

Pinwheeling his arms, Randidly attempted to straighten, but overcorrected, unused to his new reactions. He ended up face planting on the ground.

It didn’t hurt, exactly, except his pride, but his face did buzz pleasantly, seemingly delighted to have new sensations flowing through it. With an aggrieved expression, Randidly stood up the normal way this time. He found himself face Neveah, who was showing him her teeth.

Worse than me. She said, annoyingly smug, delighting in the destroyed cabin and the wreckage he had made of the tables and chair. Randidly wanted to say something about being new to this body, but could only hold his tongue bitterly. After all, Neveah had the same excuse…

And his body hadn’t changed like hers, just the passive, underpinning Skills that he had grown so used to using were replaced by something bigger, newer. A strangely powerful new engine, that left him shocked.

Randidly checked around, but no one was here. Carefully, he lifted up a hand cupping it to the sky.

And then he showed the world the Cruel Indignation of Yggdrasil.

Instantly, the air in front of him began to roil and twist, mixing with itself and hissing. Very quickly, the effect spread to his entire body, and then to the surrounding area, creeping outward. The ground crumbled and cracked, the wood of the cabin rotted. Then another wave spread from his hand, and Randidly was forced to grit his teeth as the pain and the strange buzzing grew stronger.

The air was popping now, the ground seething beneath him, warping and self-destructing, even as the wood had melted into a puddle of steaming liquid.

When the energy reached her, Neveah squeaked, surprised, and swiped her tail at Randidly.

Activating Yyrwood Flesh of Yggrdasil, Randidly reached up and grabbed her tail, stopping her from knocking him on his side. He swayed, but was otherwise completely unphased. Randidly grinned wolfishly, and looked at his new status screen. Perhaps this wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Randidly Ghosthound

Class: ---

Level: N/A

Health(/R per hour): 1322/2027 [+118] (799 [+27])

Mana(/R per hour): 649/2034 [+5] (333 [+9])

Stam(/R per min): 1233/2163 (269 [+9])

Vit: 199 [+9]

End: 111

Str: 178 [+17]

Agi: 227 [+17]

Perception: 177 [+10]

Reaction: 196

Resistance: 158 [+15]

Willpower: 272 [+10]

Intelligence: 191

Wisdom: 116 [+9]

Control: 283

Focus: 243 [+4]

Progenitor’s Influence: 71

Skills (Soul Skill):  Four-Shaded Clockwork World Lvl 1627

Combat: Spear Mastery Lvl 151, White Phantom’s Half-Step (Un) Lvl 52, Heavy Blow Lvl 74, Dagger Mastery Lvl 10, Iron Skin Lvl 47, Dodge Lvl 80, Fighting Proficiency Lvl 120, Block Lvl 54, Phantom Onslaught Lvl 42, Sweep Lvl 54, Spear Deflect Lvl 10, Calculated Blow Lvl 78, Roundhouse Kick Lvl 41, Flesh Eating Virus (Un) Lvl 63, Idiosyncratic Cut (Un) Lvl 70, Pierce the Skies, Shatter the Earth Lvl 39, Body Control: Freeze Lvl 27, Stalemate Breaker Lvl 29, Talon Strike Lvl 38

The 7 Kata of the Ashen Spear (Ru): The Spear Advances, Ash Trails Lvl 51, As the Sun Stills (R) Lvl 1

The 6 Signs of the Spear Phantom (R): The First Sign- The Inevitable Phantom Arrives Lvl 85 (Un), The Fifth Sign- The Spear Phantom’s Embrace (R) Lvl 160, The Breath of the Spear Phantom (R) Lvl 26

Aether Skills: Aether Detection Lvl 59, Aether Manipulation Lvl 57, Living Aether (R) Lvl 64, System Interference Lvl 1

Spells: Spearing Roots Lvl 67, Mana Bolt Lvl 28, Mana Shield Lvl 32, Root Control Lvl 119, Arcane Orb Lvl 22, Fireball Lvl 30, Magic Missile Lvl 4, Healing Palm Lvl 12, Pollen of the Rafflesia Lvl 20, Summon Pestilence.Lvl 54, Wall of Thorns Lvl 20, Soul Seed (R), Inspiration (R), Incinerating Bolt Lvl 74, Circle of Flame Lvl 48, Plantomancy Lvl 35, Hammer of the Dawn Lvl 33, Burning Footsteps Lvl 16, Ashes to Ashes (A) Lvl 22 

Crafting: Potion Making Lvl 37, Farming Lvl 32, Plant Breeding Lvl 19, Mapmaker Lvl 7, Analyze Lvl 29, Refine Lvl 39, Extract Lvl 29, Mana Engraving Lvl 91

Yggdrasil: Glittering Leaves of Yggdrasil (A) Lvl 99, The Golden Roots of Yggdrasil (A) Lvl 98, the Emerald Sap of Yggdrasil (A) Lvl 94, the Yyrwood Flesh of Yggdrasil (A) Lvl 101, the Indomitable Spirit of Yggdrasil (L) Lvl 91, the Cruel Indignation of Yggdrasil (A) Lvl 92

Auxiliary: Sneak Lvl 46, Acid Resistance Lvl 22, Poison Resistance Lvl 21, Pain Resistance Lvl 61, First Aid Lvl 16, Equip Lvl 25, Pathfinding Lvl 18, Fire Resistance Lvl 23,  Sewing Lvl 11, Cutting Vegetables Lvl 2, Manual Labor Lvl 6, Digging Lvl 5, Cooking Lvl 50, Clockwork Mastery Lvl 16, Aether Connection (A) Lvl 3, Soul Bond Lvl 76, Chef’s Palette Lvl 19





I gotta tell you, I laughed really hard at the falling to his knees yelling about his skills. Great series of chapters, can't wait for Saturday!

Chris Vogt II

Wow...so freaking cool. Thanks for sharing. And he still hasn’t finished the path that he started at the beginnings of tonight’s posts, haha.

Chris Vogt II

Oh, why is Aether Connection part of Ausiliary skills, instead of Aether skills?


Oh, and while I'm commentating, I should mention that Randidly's reaction is sort of hard to understand, and his usage of Cruel Indignation is badass. Edit: "“Noooooooooooooooooooooo! My skills!” Randidly shouted, falling to his ‘knees’ in his Soul Zone." followed by "Randidly chuckled to himself, falling to his knees. Well… now at least… he had other things to test and experiment with…."

Patrick C

I believe Flesh Eating Virus (Un) Lvl 63 became a part of his new skills.

Timothy Alexander

Awesome :) Looks like RG is on a consolidation roll... I think we all see another skill set in the very near future... only question is if it’s Legendary or Ancient. Any chance of him adding the other two ‘phantom’ skills into the Signs of the Spear Phantom too?

Patrick C

I believe he still has 65 skills or so not counting the one I just mentioned, and he's complaining about losing skills. Everyone else would cry if they heard how many skills he has.


I love, after all that, seeing the list of baby skills: "Cutting Vegetables Lvl 2." Oops.


What are the skill rankings again is it ancient then legendary, where does Runic fit in


Lol beautiful


Awesome! I also love how you toned it down with the inner world cycles for a bit to emphasise the change in his body rather than his soul. But I'm guessing that his body changing and gaining all these consolidated skills is going to play a massive part with him adding a world tree in his soul space. Even better would be to have the soul skill held up in the Yggdrasil inside his soul space like a fruit along with other skillsets. My mind is going wild with all these awesome shit you've pulled off dude. And can't wait for more of his inner clockworld stories


Thanks Puddles fun stuff, long night for you, TGIF!


This just inches closer so his class being yggdrasil, the branches of yggdrasil supporting a massive skill list in his soulscape.

Kurt A

Anyone remember what the rarity rankings were for skills?


Before Specializing in Recovery the last i can find Health(/R per hour): 1764/1764 [+118] (716 [+27]) Mana(/R per hour): 1700/1709 [+5] (222 [+9]) Stam(/R per min): 1623/1758 (255 [+9]) After specializing Health(/R per hour): 1322/2027 [+118] (799 [+27]) Mana(/R per hour): 649/2034 [+5] (333 [+9]) Stam(/R per min): 1233/2163 (269 [+9]) seems too small a gain for the recoveries after specializing excepting Mana.


well, that's his base recoveries because of the stats he's gained, I'm sure his skills' recoveries aren't factored into those numbers~ like what if one of them shattered? it shouldn't affect his base stats


Agree was thinking of the Yggdrasil Atlas skill


Gimme what the the Leaves of Yggdrisal look like! Thelat should be awesome


Wait, kiersty and nathan were still in the house right? Rand just grabbed nathas shoulder before dumping his pp into paths


FYI, you still list the Flesh Eating Virus skill. It was absorbed by Cruel Indignation of Yggdrasil.


I always forget what the identifiers mean - but strangely i knew what the (L) was right away lol

Alan McBrayer

Randidly still has yet to fully believe the lesson he touched on himself in the dungeon vs the spider, repeated by shal before the prison, and driven home by the tournament and the pontiffs/masters. High level Skills backed by strong images beats raw stats every time. He would do well to talk to Daniel about strong skills so he can craft variants similar to the flexibility of the white hunter. He should also be reminded of the ability for a gold coin to add a skill slot to a class.


I think he knows it inellectually. That's how he convinced those two others in how to develop their Battle Intent or personal skills. But Randidly still deep down really loves how many skills he has!


When activated all of Randidly's clothing and armor become invisible and replaced by a well-positoned fig leaf. Remember the coming Yggdrisal Atlas skill will require full nudity.


I was hoping he would get a kick back on PPfor his skills consolidating. Like receive half the difference of the consumed skills. For example if the total combined skills added up to 600 and the average was 100 so that’s what the consolidated skill will now be. Minus the 100 from the 600 and split the 500 lost PP to 250 for him to spend on some sweet paths.


But what if the system wants you to acquire a class through it and if you don't, you're branded as a heretic. It seems to me like the current system wants a person to acquire a class through it so that they can give them a skill cap/limit. And consolidating skills in one way to balance skill caps. But what if someone like Randidly comes along and doesn't let the system in place limit him? If he keeps advancing without a system given class, would he end up being a Calamity? Or something similar? (like are Calamities heretics but are after destruction?) Maybe the calamity is there to harvest the souls that are integrated into the system. Like if you don't have a system given class, you steal the aether from the system governed creature rather than the system giving it to you. After-all, receiving is different from stealing or there is a "right" way of receiving according to the system. Hopefully I'm wrong so this don't turn into a spoiler but... maybe, if you beat the Calamity with a system given class you're fine but if you beat a Calamity without, you become a Calamity yourself? And the system is sending tribulations, raid bosses to warm civilization up for the horrible shit by encouraging conflict and accelerating growth. Cause the system can't protect a newbie world forever from the Heretic waiting to devour the aether filled fruit/planet whole. And once you're down and out, you join the system team that help run shit by working for them as a tribulation/village spirit... then you have to work up the ranks to be provided with the system given aether, which makes you drunk in its meaning. Cause your body might die but the soul lives on, hence you can still be a village spirit. Maybe Randidly is the initiating action cause he wakes people and storms up cause he is the most awake out of all of them, cause he is not drunk in the meaning given by the system. Sorry for the rant, totally got derailed there. I think I'm high on sugar.


So many ways Puddles can go


I would have thought the final step from the system would have been combining Roots, Leaves, Sap, Flesh, Will, and Indignation into the Yggdrasil skillset? The common theme of them all screams skillset to me.


Seems you have to create those yourself? Also, he has one more to get the Yggdrasil Atlas


What is this “Yggdrasil Atlas” I keep seeing in the comments ? Did I miss something really obvious ?


There's no reason to think he's going to get any sort of Atlas skill. I don't like it thematically because it mixes pantheons, but YMMV I guess. The only thing that sounds remotely like a reference to Atlas in the prior chapter is "Yours is a body that would make a world feel safe, should it rest on your back.", but that could just as easily refer to the seven worlds resting in Yggdrasil's branches.


Yggdrasil is the tree of life, and it is an eternal green Ash tree; the branches stretches out over all of the nine worlds in Norse mythology, and extend up and above the heavens. Yggdrasil is carried by three enormous roots, the first root from Yggdrasil is in Asgard, the home of the Gods. Yes, I Interpreted the “resting on your back” passage to suggest Puddles is mixing Greek and Norse mythologies to create the Yggdrasil Atlas skill. P. S. Do not understand why you are upset about mixing in this story! Ha!


This Yggdrasil theme is interesting when we consider how Randidly compared Class is a type of tree with branches which are skills. Yggdrasil bears Asgard on its trunk. So seeing the theme we have got going here. Randidily combining his Soul skill and his Yaddrasil skill set may get The Class we are waiting for. Any thoughts??


Yes Nine worlds Nidhoggr the wyrm, an unnamed eagle, several stags and many more. I remember once Randidily remarking about stars in his soul world. So how awesome would it be if he made a Class based on Yggdrasil and adding new worlds to his soulspace and Neveah being parallel to Wrym and When Ten'malla croaks in the dungeon and Randidily gets the Stag Trafalgr it would be awesome.


I think you are onto it, good plan for Puddles regardless ....if he elects to write again😘

Patrick C

You forgot to remove Flesh Eating Virus from the skill list at the bottom.


Other possible skill options: The Enlightening Tribulations of Yggdrasil. Allies who subject themselves to your grueling punishments can gain special insights to images, skills, and uses of aether. Quality of insight increases with skill level. Ability to choose the nature of the insight increases with control and skill level. [Odin hung himself from the Yggdrasil for nine days to gain insight on the runes.] The Fecund Acorns of Yggdrasil. You can plant a class and aether source into a willing recipient. Quality of class increase with skill level. Ability to choose specifics of class increase with focus and skill level. [Norse mythos say the first humans were born from trees - possibly Yggdrasil itself. ] The Uncanny Thrust of Yggdrasil. You can summon an aetherial spear from your body. When thrown, the spear travels at the speed of lightning with exceptional accuracy, and can be recalled to your hand on command. [Odin's spear Gugnir was crafted from a branch of Yggdrasil.] The Rainbow Bridge of Yggdrasil. You are the connection between worlds and your branches reach all places. You can teleport yourself to the location of any target that you have an aether connection to. Cost of transport decreases with skill level. Number of passengers you can take with you increases with wisdom and skill level. Anybody have ideas for skills associated with Mimir, Ratatoskr, Níðhöggr, Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr, Duraþrór, or the unnamed eagle?