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Good Evening Y'all

Now that June is over, I'm trying to clean up all the things that I owe. There are three main things. The character contest, some commissioned art, and the website.

The second two will take some more time as I try and hammer out the details. But it's finally time for the first!

Oh, but before I get into that, in addition to the art I am going to commission, I can always use more art. If you would like a special thanks on my upcoming website, in addition to the Patreon Donor thank you's, please make some LoRG art!

Oh, oh, one last thing. More goals will be coming in the next week. I think I want to rework my goals to be more reasonable, and add some more interesting things. Look forward to it.

Now the character contest~

I would ask that submissions follow the following format.

Name: Randidly Ghosthound

Class: (Broken)

Skill Focus: Root Manipulation, Spear Skills

Personality: Antisocial, Oblivious, Thoughtful

Backstory: Has shitty parents, two close friends Ace and Sydney, and a ex girlfriend, who he broke up with the night the system arrived. Was hit with a two headed ram's ass as an introduction to the new world. Started in a dungeon.

Connection to the Plot: Is the MC

Interesting Paths: (Too many to list)

So a little explanation on each above. Name is pretty self explanatory. As is class. Although Randidly has avoided a class, and people can take the path of a Heretic, that has some complications that won't be revealed until later, for plot reasons.

Skill focus is just want you want your character to be good at. It could be weird things, like Cooking or Farming, or more combat focus skills, either from other characters or made up.

Personality I want 3-5 traits to describe the character. 

Backstory should please be 6 or less sentences. Keep it simple. If your character is chosen as a finalist, we can talk more detailed.

Connection to the plot is your control over how they introduced. Are they an NCC from Donnyton? From Franksburg? Are they still wandering around without a class? Or perhaps they are from one of the other towns that sprung up before RG left for Shal's world? Even a spear-user from Shal's world is acceptable, if that's what you really want.

Paths are very important to the story, so if you have a cool path idea or two, let me know, and what the rewards are.

Now for the more general rules. the contest starts now, and ends next Sunday at midnight. I will post the rules to Royalroad Wednesday, so Patrons have a head start. In addition, I will check in here much more frequently, to answer any questions you may have.

I do not care if you have multiple entries. But make separate posts. If I see an entry that I think looks enough like what I'm looking for, I'll copy it to my list and post "Entered" to let you know I saw it.

Depending on how many people enter, I'll pick several finalists, and then select one winner. Then I will create a poll to vote for the reader's favorite top 2, which will also be put into the story. If you win, I'll send a message and talk more about the details of the character, to make sure you are satisfied.

Anyways, hopefully you guys have as much fun creating characters as I do! Good Luck and please submit entries~



Name: Simon Blosse. Class: Resonant. Skill Focus: Vibration control, Emotional Manipulation. Personality: Cheerful, Careful, Easy to talk to, similar to a barber. Backstory: Before the system; Simon was a therapist who enjoyed collecting tuning forks. When the system arrived; Simon hid, shaking with his tuning forks, where he gained his ability to vibrate. Connection to the Plot: Runs a massage parlor business in Donnyton using his vibration based abilities. Kills the people of Donnyton with his vibration based abilities, incognito of course. He uses the killing to keep himself under control, like dexter morgan from the tv show. Interesting Paths: Shifting path, Charismatic path, Pointless path.


Name: Mishel Travils Class: Inquisitor Skill focus: Spear Skills, Tracking, Sprinting/speed, Knowledge, Diplomacy Spear style: Style of the Third Judgement Personality: inwardly focused, vindictive (eye for an eye type of thing ;) ), confident, thoughtful Backstory: Is from Shal's world. At a young age she was stolen from her family and had her third eye punctured and it never healed. Despite what her world considers a handicap she escaped from her kidnappers and craving strength she threw herself into dungeon after dungeon ignoring the prospect of dungeon sickness until she had the strength to kill one of the few members of the Style of the Three Judgements. This particular style has three distinctly different ways that they use the spear in combat and a master can weave the three completely different styles so that they smoothly flow from one to another. The only way to be taken as a disciple for the style is to kill a current member. They took her in and trained her and now she works as a mercenary for the highest bidder using the money to try and find her kidnappers from her childhood. Connection with the plot: currently hired by the engraver guild to find the up and coming engraver with a unique engraving style. (Randidly) Interesting paths: Path of the Hunter I-X Disciple of the First Judgement Disciple of the Second Judgement Disciple of the Third Judgement Patron of Justice


I hope you don't mind a character duo, but they fit well together. Character Duo Name: Kor Class: Praetorian Skill Focus: Swords(No Longer), Shields, Fear Personality: Cowardly, Lovable, Goofy, Unstable, Unlucky Backstory: Kor, and his brother Rudy, were once 'great' warriors of a Village that got destroyed by a Tribulation. They were able to escape destruction of the village, but Rudy died. In a last ditch effort to protect his brother he attached his spirit to Kor. Kor's trauma from the event has left him frightened of nearly everything, unable to wield a weapon, and he believes his brother haunts him for his failures. When frightened, Kor enters fight or flight mode, but the thing that scares him the most is Rudy, who ends up scaring Kor into defeating their enemies. Connection: Kor is stuck on one event in the past and finds inspiration in Randidly's forward moving mindset, thus releasing Rudy. He pursues a rivalry with Randidly, to become the shield that can't be pierced, whether he ever reaches that point is unknown. Interesting Paths: The Cowardly Shield Path, Frenzied Panic Path Name: Rudy Class: (broken?) Skill Focus: General Magic, Spirit Magic, Personality: Polite, Manipulative, Protective, Loyal Backstory: After dying and attaching himself to his brother, Kor, Rudy has found that the only way to keep them safe is by scaring his brother into action. While alive he was pleasant to everyone while trying to manipulate them, but to Kor he was his normal rude self, partly to make him grow some backbone. Either way he sacrificed himself to save Kor and now is trying to push him to find the strength to live on his own. Connection: Allows for exploration of what death really means in the new world, he also fuels Kor's growth. Interesting Paths: Self Sacrificing Path, Soulbound Path, Haunting Spirit Path


What are your plans for the website? Anything complicated?


Name: Cless Michaelson Class: Rune Scribe Skill Focus: Runic Inscription, Angels blessing Personality: Compassionate, Intelligent, Clumsy Backstory: Cless was a successful artist, people from all over the world wanted to buy her paintings. Drawing made her feel free, painting made her body come alive. Until she was diagnosed with leukemia. All she ever felt was empty now. The beauty of art was lost in her eyes. Then the system came. The arrival of the blue screen shocked her at first, but the strange tingling sensation from her body overwhelmed that shock. A small white light grew slowly inside of her until it finally burst out in all directions. [New skill gained: Angels blessing]. Cless was confused, she didn't know how she should feel. Until she looked around her. She was in a forest lush with beautiful plants and flowers. Cless collapsed to her knees in tears. She saw the beauty again, it made her feel whole, and only one thought was going through her mind. "I'm going to live". --When she obtains her class at Donnyton she gets a rare class, Rune Scribe, that allows her to cast magic by enscribing runes in the air. She is able to use all forms of magic, but must learn the rune extensively before she can summon the rune's power. Since being cured of her disease she feels compelled to protect and heal her comrades.. Connection to the Plot: Was a patient at Reginas hospital. Also known for her famous artwork and creative mind. Interesting Paths: Touched by Divinity, Cleric, Runic Knowledge, Elementalist


I am looking forward to what you are doing, and while I don't feel confident in creating characters for the story I'm sure some other will come with good suggestions. You should consider getting some side-story chapters every now and then to allow us to keep up with the timeline in Donnyton. If I was to point out one flaw in the story it's that there are many characters introduced in it, but very little development for those characters. This is a fine approach if the story is more of a description of how the world changes around Randidly Ghosthound as his legend is created, but then there is not really any point in getting so attached to Donnyton.


Entered and Entered. Two is fine, and I will think about them in relation to each other as well.


I think the big thing will be the website has the most edited versions of all the chapters. Because here and Royalroad have different versions of chapters sometimes, depending on how bad a chap needs editted.


No you are right, and I planned to do just that, but this whole 8 chapters mass release has been distracting me. Hard to get that far ahead. I'll work towards that now.