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Well of course the plan for our custom butt stools sounded way too easy to be true. We decided to do some small scale tests of course using tiny circle molds and a 3D printed butt. Well, Evan found a Frog model that was really cheeked up so that’s what we used for the butt

So I’ll outline our series of failures: we poured Razzo into our little mold, covered it with plastic wrap, and squished his butt in. The plastic wrinkled SO much that it made the surface finish look really bad, so we decided to remove the plastic and push his butt straight into the Razzo. Of course, it stuck to him and that messed up the surface finish too.

We even tried again after baby powdering his butt with no luck. So finally we added the plastic wrap back, this time stretching it taut to reduce wrinkles, and we tried again through the plastic. Here’s what we ended up with. Doesn’t look like individual cheek imprints to me :(



Pemily Stallwark

Wrap the BUTT in plastic wrap, not the silicone! Very awk for a human but(t!) less awk for a plastic frog

Inazea Anazazi

this feels like y'all are gonna have to put on plastic pants and dig out the butt instructions from the alginate from back when you did the ghostly hand pencil holder^^