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...is because we're doing a makeover! I'll back up a second since some people here might be scratching their heads. 

Basically, a few keen-eyed viewers in our Twitch chat recently noticed that when we get up and leave the room, we are going to the opposite side (ie, the door is on the other side now). This is because we flipped the whole streaming room around as part of a makeover! We hadn't counted on people noticing haha, so we hadn't shared about it yet because I have no clue when the video will be out. We don't even know if it's gonna be a main channel video or a second channel video, which also adds to the uncertainty.

For now, we can show you some of the chaos we started with... aka why we needed to fix the room so bad!



Stephani Moss

Saw those cables and went "OOF". Good luck with the reorg, just don't put anything in Joobie's sunbeam!


We shall entitle this modern-art piece "Chaos Cables". Do not fight the chaos. Embrace it! For me, "cable management" means making sure I don't trip over anything. 😂