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Hey guys! We just started our next project doing something we've wanted to try for a while - embedding shredded money in resin! The US Treasury shreds misprinted money, and you can actually buy it pretty cheap. 

We found a mold for a resin purse (https://amzn.to/32S3XO9 - kinda like a hard sided clutch.... ok a box with a clasp :P) and we thought it'd be kinda funny to make a "purse made of money" so that's what we're gonna do! -K




Hey I’m brand new to Patreon! You guys brought my husband and I to the platform! It’s so cool to get to see the sneaky peak of what’s to come! I’m happy to be part of the community now!

Tracy Maurer

I could see myself trying to make dollar shaped molds to make shredded dollar dollars 🤣