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When we asked what content y'all wanted to see around our potential upcoming move, one thing that was repeatedly requested was a house tour (https://www.patreon.com/posts/mini-vlog-26-49521937) so that's what we're working on! We wanted to film it before we started breaking things down, staging things, putting them in storage or anything like that so we're working on it now!

We've started by going through the past 8 years of photos, videos, blog posts haha, etc to get as much media as we can. It's pretty mind blowing to see how much things have changed over the years. Some rooms have gone through quite a few distinct stages, so we're excited to not just show you our house now but the journey we've gone through with it. 




Allan Dalton

Really excited for this, we're currently going through our own home DIY - it's always interesting to pick up on the ideas or lessons learned by others. Took me a while to work out which one was the before and after in the photos above but love the minimal approach you went with in the end! xD

Evan and Katelyn

Hahaha you know... those folding chairs ARE pretty comfortable 🤣 Hope you get some ideas from the video and good luck! -E


Wait. So you guys found your new home?!