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We set up Joobie's bed and cat cam for the charity stream yesterday (which, if you didn't see the social post, raised $4,696.69!!! Thank you so much to everyone who hung out and special thanks to those who donated!) She was a trooper and napped through nearly all 7 hours of it. Anyways, now when she's not in my lap, you can find her in her streaming bed Supurrvising us. Eez pretty cute  😸❤️ We're definitely gonna be keeping it for future streams, and we're gonna see if we can add some green fabric underneath so it looks like her bed is floating. Also she keeps begging for flamin' hot cheetos and we keep having to deny her. Silly Joob.

We're taking a break from streaming today to rest our voices, and instead we're working on mapping out the final words for our motivational poster! Thank you everyone who submitted ideas :D Hope y'all are having an awesome... what day is it... Sunday! <3 Katelyn



Anne Clark

This is brilliant. As a science adjacent idea - could you do some testing to figure out what paper products will work best as a substitute for toilet paper?  1. Paper/kitchen towel 2. Tissues - cheap/too soft 3. Newspaper 4. Or can we modify paper making techniques to create thin, flushable TP? Also - we'd need a different TP holder, like a mini rack rather than a roll.  Thoughts?

Evan and Katelyn

A holder could be cool! I don't think we're qualified to be advising people to flush various paper products into their sewer system - we might end causing people to clog a lot of toilets! -K

Elizabeth Sullivan-Burton

I feel like those pictures need captions (hehe...cat-ions?) like in the videos. "Am celebrity" ;)