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Happy launch day everybody! Have we mentioned we call Fridays (when we post our videos) launch day? Even though we're not "launching" anything, when we first started our channel we published 5 videos all at once and called it launch day because we were launching the channel, but it's become synonymous with posting videos now haha. Anyways! Here's what we cover in this Aftershow:

- How we might salvage the buy
- What was cut from the video (mainly Evan's trials with the LED)
- Thoughts on hot glue
- If we had more time, what more would we do
P.S. sorry for the spotty audio. We have new mics on the way that will hopefully improve things. 

<3 Katelyn (and Floodle)


Buy vs DIY cloud lamp aftershow

Buy vs DIY cloud lamp - how we might salvage the buy - what was cut from the video (mainly Evan's trials with the LED) - thoughts on hot glue - if we had more time, what more would we do p.s. sorry for the spotty audio. We have new mics on the way that will hopefully improve things.


Matt Held

Loved this video, and my kids did too, my daughter especially is a huge fan. We're on our way to creating a cloud lamp for their play loft, 7 year old triplets, they keep me busy with all sorts of projects. I followed your link to the paper lanterns and in addition to the white they recommended some that are white and have a few shades of blue as well. I was thinking that might add to the depth of the lighting effects, did you guys try anything but the white lanterns?

Evan and Katelyn

Oooo great idea! We only tried white but I bet blueish gray would be great too. Or get all white and then airbrush/spraypaint a bluish gray onto some areas (to add shadows). Don't know how much it would all show through the polyfil but could look neat -K

Sean Gorman

Just finished a ‘Floodle’ as a family project with my teenage daughter. It’s a similar design to yours, but pre-made LED strip (Siri doesn’t mix with DIY easily). It was a great time :). Have pics, will try the message part of Patreon. Thanks for the idea!