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Excited to share this video with y'all tomorrow! We were originally going to make one long video of us making this paver foundation and then building a shed on top, but after editing the paver part we had a solid 9 minute video that wrapped up nicely... and the partially assembled shed is going to probably come in 14 days late :P

Hope y'alls year is winding down some and your holiday season is off to a nice start! -E




Well if anyone can pull 9 good video minutes out of a simple paver install, I'm sure you can. I still can't believe Evan told folks to hit the UNsubscribe button, even if he was imitating the cat! Looking forward to it...

Josh nelson

Looking forward to this one, I’ve been dragging my feet on putting pavers down in both of my side yards for years now, can’t wait to see how it goes for you guys.

Evan and Katelyn

haha, Evan's mom was also like "why did you tell people to unsubscribe!?!" :P Hope you like the foundation video! -K

Evan and Katelyn

It wasn't as bad as we thought it would be! Just posted the video about 10 minutes ago, hopefully it helps make it less intimidating :) -K