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Hey guys! There’s a lot more to update you on in terms of the concrete keyboard. This has been quite a laborious project, pray for our backs. First off, as you can see in the first image, we’ve cast a bunch more keys! And every batch requires a whole lotta sanding and a whole lotta mold-washing.

 One of the biggest wins was getting a successful spacebar, which we were pretty worried about! We actually had to make custom molds for a few keys (spacebar included) where we made the tops of the keys thicker because we worried they’d break. Happy to say the molds were successful!

Even with some success, we’ve also had a handful of casualties, but less than we feared.

We even decided to do a concrete wrist rest to go with the concrete keyboard! Why? Because it popped into Evan’s brain and he found a mold online with 2-day shipping haha. It may look nice in the last photo here but this is after (you guessed it) a bunch of sanding haha.





Next project needs to be something that fix your backs. A resin back massager, or even better a robot keyboard maker :D BTW, would love to see you go to Alveus Sanctuary (In Austin, TX) and do a charity Stream with Maya and the animals there!!!


huh, wild. this is definitely working a lot better than i had pictured in my mind lol. keep it up XD