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Welcome to Alpha 6  
Alpha 6 is finally here and  brings with it the Winter Fest  2021 update, along with a Blacksmithing  and Mining preview for  Patreons, and next week it will also bring new  spells and skills for  players to use in battle!

 Event Runs December 1, 2021 until January 4, 2022.

New Alpha Goals are now available.
You have until the end of the month to complete the following Alpha Goals and help us test this patch.

  • Kill 1000 Elf Goblins (3 Tokens)
  • Loot 5 Frozen Chests (1 Token)
  • Kill the Ice King Boss 5 Times (1 Token)
  • Temper Candy Lance (1 Token)

Alpha Tokens are a special gift to you for helping us test the game.  You will be able to spend them when the game fully releases to buy  cosmetics! Thank you.


Winter Fest: Candy Lances

Candy Lances are a new weapon you can have Dazlin and his helpers  forge for you out of Candy Canes! You will find them on the Isles of  Mischief, the new holiday event area.

Candy Lances may also be tempered (upgraded) by Dazlin for additional  candy canes. The tempering will always upgrade the primary stat that  was already rolled on the Lance, so only temper the lances with the  stats you enjoy. You may have each lance tempered up to 5 times.


A new currency and merchant options are available!

Find Timeworn Relics throughout your activities on the Isles of  Mischief and spend them at Sendrik the Sealian to get limited-time  recipes you may have missed, and buy new power gems for Attack, Spell or  Healing specifically.


Defeat the Ice King Boss

Get a group of friends together and take on the new Ice King Boss! It  requires you to collect 4 Enchanted Lanterns and light the fires around  his summoning place to fight him. This fight is hard, bring friends!  Next week we will be releasing a Hard Mode version of this fight.

He drops some awesome new Frozen gear pieces. These along with your  Candy Lance, you will have the strength and power to take back the  stolen presents and save Winter Fest!

See you in game! Download the game at https://www.aetherstory.com . The game's data  gets updated from the server, so don't mind the launcher build dates.




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