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Last month our funding goal was reached fairly quickly and a viewer on the stream, Clayton, jokingly said that if we get another $100 we should give the poor Desert Cow some water... since its dying of thirst.  So I increased the goal and by the end of the month we reached the new goal!  So it was time to give the Desert Cow water!

It turns out Clayton thought a simple bucket of water would have been enough, but I thought for $100 extra funding a bucket of water just simply wasn't going to do the trick.

The idea behind the Cow Water Shrine was that Evan and his cow had a fever dream and imagined the Cow Shrine.  By talking to his cow and then Evan, you are transported to the dream of the Shrine, and there you can meet two Cow Woreshippers: Clayton and Pigalot.

To find Evan and his cow head east of the Meadery, past the Abandoned Windmill, and into the Pass (formerly known as the Rookery).

While you are at the Cow Water Shrine, be sure to look around, there is an extra chest that can be found if you look hard enough.

In the attached screenshots you can see the launch party that revealed this location, everyone came out to pay respects to the Desert Cow and celebrate her finally getting water...  But if this is a fever dream, did Evan or his Cow really get the water they need? We will never know I suppose...

See you in game!



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