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Hey everyone, I wanted to give you guys an update.  

I have been working the last month on getting back on my feet after my apartment fire that occurred last month March 15th at 7:20am.  This fire resulted in the loss of access to my apartment which is also the place of my work station and where our studio is located. The fire's damages resulted in minimal loss of property, but the space was found to contain asbestos and I was not able to get my possessions out of it in a timely manner.

Since the fire I have relocated to a new residence, and as such the studio has relocated as well.  And as of just yesterday I have just got a new desk and have setup my computer and work station at the new place.  Things are starting to settle in and this means its time to get back to work!  

My goal for this month is to (1) review the publishing and patching procedures for AetherStory, and (2) work on the remaining features for the ALPHA 2 Patch and get it published before the end of the month!

I would also like to keep you all updated on the development of the game better.  As such I am going to be attempting a new update schedule:

Eventually I would like to extend this to also include Video Dev Blogs as well on Youtube, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Not to mention I will be returning to the live dev streams each week with a new stream schedule of: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 10am to 5pm EST.   The goal is to start back up this WEDNESDAY for a special return to streaming stream! Hope to see you there!

Thank you for your ongoing support.


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