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Hey guys, how are you doing?

I hope you are having a great weekend! Here are some pics of the next model of the month!

I like the X-men Universe a lot and I wanted to do a dramatic scene with some of the characters.
Yes I know this is like my 3rd wolverine model. Initially I thought to do Rogue and Gambit or Jean and Scott but when this scene came out in my head I couldn't find a more interesting dramatic concept to do... plus it allowed me to do a firebird which was a very fun creature to work in. 

The model will come in a few versions for those who don't want to print the phoenix or the whole fire thing and a version with the characters from their pelvis to their head (which I called Bust version... but i dont think it's the right name for it haha)

Well! that's all! hope you really like it!



Justin M


Matt McGuire - Airitech Creations

Really loving the direction you’ve been going in! This is a unique take on these characters. Awesome!


Oh Matt! Thanks a lot Bro!! There are so many talented Sculpters out there that I'm trying to make unique models to differentiate my work from the rest. Not easy, so I appreciate a lot your feedback!!