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Hello Friends!
Well, this is it.. today I'm revealing to you what I've been working on lately.
I wanted to do something big to start next year, so inspired by the plot of the Gotham Knights Video Game I had this idea for a Diorama, Where Batman is gone and the young blood of the Batfamily have to deal with the Criminals of Gotham alone now. The Diorama takes place on the Batman Memorial from Gotham city where Batman Statue is laing and each one of these young heros are standing in one of the steps of the memorial's stairs.
This is the biggest project I've ever done yet and I've been working very very hard. Each model is fullfill of details.

But This project is so big that I will have to release it in 2 parts:

January: Batman Statue, Nightwing and Red Hood.

February: Batgirl, Tim Drake, Robin and the scenery.

So, on January and February there wont be any contest cause there is no character to guess, but each patron  will get 3 models

Each one of the Character will come in two versions:  the diorama version and the stand alone version - for those who don't want to print the whole diorama -

Well that's all for now my friends!
Here I uploaded a few pics of what I have until now:
Batman Statue, Nightwing and Red Hood Placed on the Memorial
Nightwing Stand Alone Version
Red Hood Stand Alone Version
Batman Statue Stand Alone Version
And some pics of how the Memorial looks
(remember the Scenary will be available next month)

hope you like them
I will be posting more info soon
