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You need to open this project with live-server



Tanishk Yadav

i purchase your weatherio projects not working first i try to make the project by following your video but i got problem in this code .search-view, .search-view.active { all: unset; display: block; position: relative; width: 500px; animation: none; } unset property must unset the css but not working otherwirse everything is working in the porject which i followed by ur videos but your source code project is not working i also comment your videos where i tell i problem pls solve this


Very nice project. I have this weatherio modified and added location details (name and country code) to the page title for every location you are checking the current weather details.

Назар Панченко

Hello, I have a small problem. I did the Watherio project. And when I deployed it to GitHub, there was a problem with the api. I can't select a geolocation. Could you help me solve this problem? Also here are my links to the project. weather-app-six-bice-81.vercel.app/#/current-location github.com/PanchenkoNaz/weather-app