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Hey everyone! I hope you have all been doing well despite the craziness of this year in general. 

First off, I'd like to apologize for being so quiet these past few months. I didn't plan to be so scarce but I'd like to finally provide an update to you all since, yes, I am still very much alive, haha.

Anyhow, my longer than intended absence has partially been the result of my taking a much needed break from the online side of things. Unfortunately, after going through some very disheartening personal matters, I didn't feel that sticking around in online spaces was conducive toward my well-being and personal feelings as I sorted through them. I needed some time to grow, learn and heal in private.

Well.. Perhaps not totally in private as during my time away I finally met and moved in with my girlfriend :3

So in addition to taking a hiatus for self-care purposes I wanted to take some time to fully enjoy finally being with her in person as well. I've always longed to actually live together with a partner so to finally get to experience that has been awesome and everything I had hoped for. I can't express how thankful I am to have met Reilly - especially during such difficult period in my life.

That being said, Reilly and I have also been quite busy renovating our new living situation which has taken a fair amount of time as well. However, I recently got an area set up so that I can work on my art again and have been doing so eagerly. I'd also like to begin easing myself back into being more chatty in the discord server again now that I'm feeling better. All in all, I'm keen to resume providing content for you all and to not be such a stranger!

You have no idea how grateful I am to those of you who have stuck by me. You all really help give me the motivation to keep at this and to keep creating. Thank you so, so much! And thank you all once again for the continued support and for the freedom to breathe and reflect on things ❤️

Also I'd like to express my appreciation to a few new patrons who have showed up during my quiet time as well! Thank you so much for your support Schnuffi Wuffi, Jstarter James, Sedyana, Alexander Niehoff, Rubi, Brad, as well as Andy Dandy!

But yes!

There is still some work to be done in my new living situation so I don't want to officially resume payments here on Patreon juuuust yet but I'd still like to reward those of you who have stuck around with some opportunities to get art from me in the meantime! I'll be making a couple of follow up posts here shortly in regard to that :3

Thank you so much for reading ❤️



Congratulations! Wonderful to hear that's working out! And, too, that my favorite feral dragirls are soon to return :3


Thank you for the kind words! Many more dragon girlies to come indeed :3c