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I know that about... 89% of you are here for Science of Suki and Suki in general, and I get that, but I figured, as I've alluded to over and over again, that I'd outline the "main series" and reason I started this whole KK comics thing in the first place.

In short I'm going to outline some of my general ideas for the series. Considering I've been working on Episode 1 since August of 2021, the things I keep teasing will be teased for far too long by the time I get around to displaying the actual plotpoints I've been alluding to.


Ok, you've been given ample warning if you really care, so here goes.


VigoraVinum, as a series is about 5 interdimensional travelers who hail from a fantasy world outside of all worlds. I've heard the term "reverse isekai" and... that works, I guess.
They've arrived in a dimension that's a close offshoot to the "core world" (our world) with little direction on why they are there or what they are doing there.
In an alternate universe Japan, they've settled on an island prefecture called "Kitosaku" in the town of "Tokisaku", a port of international customs and trade that's attracted a lot of live-in foreigners.
It's decided they open an Academy called "Club Academy" where people who've graduated grade school can still participate in that environment with a place dedicated to extracurricular clubs. This academy is open to women only, but some standard hentai fuckery ends up getting a man thrown into the staff mix.
During this timeframe, one of the characters is believed to have invented or discovered a strange substance she names "Vigora Vinum" which increases sexual attraction, and potential body modification properties that affects people differently. All our main crew have vastly different reactions to this substance, and one of them takes it upon herself to figure out the mystery of this substance, as well as some of the other oddities occurring around the town, as well as dealing with the personal and emotional baggage of each other that they brought over with them.

Basically, this series is an excuse to trojan horse the stories and characters I've had created for literal decades, while finding an excuse to make horny bullshit involving BE and PE.

While VV is outlined to an extent, with each upcoming story more or less planned out as to how I want them to go down, they aren't 100% set in stone, and ideas and episode order I've planned has been swapped around quite a few times already. VVEp1 was supposed to be Episode 5 initially, while Episode 2 was intended to be Episode 1. I felt the fact every main character was immediately featured in Episode 5 make it a smarter starting point, so I swapped accordingly. So what I write next is INTENDED, but not guaranteed.

Episode 1: Ladies Night (Character focus: Vaias, Acacia, Milori)
It's almost completed and available now, so weirdly I will NOT be spoiling anything about it. You can read most of it right now. However the basics is to establish personalities, show a few character relationships, reveal a larger plotpoint, as well as showcase some effects of Vigora Vinum (which is actually featured in the episode, but not explicitly pointed out. If I can stop ping-ponging between this and SoS we can expect it done properly soon.


Episode 2: Airborne Allure (Character focus: Ciann and Lia)
This is the episode that spawned this entire thing, and took my dabbling of Studio Mode into a full blown... thing. That said this will be a weirder episode as it's essentially another plot dumping, followed by a very long lesbian sex scene. Like Episode 5, it's going to feature my older model of Lia, and unlike the last episode, Ciann will act mostly as narrator for the super fun adventures of show, and DO tell. I'm very curious if this will even resonate with anyone.


Episode 3: A New Test (Character focus: Milori and Acacia)
This episode will be the first time Vigora Vinum is explicitly mentioned and explained. Milori explains how she found out about Vigora Vinum, and the petite, flat Acacia is willing to test its theorized body mod properties. It's very BE focused so expect a lot of play resulting from that, not the love scene vibes of Ep 2.


Episode 4: An Accidental Dose (Character focus: Ciann and Xan)
We'll finally introduce Xan here, as he accidentally imbibes a bit of Vigora Vinum (for reasons stupider than you could imagine.) which implores Ciann to "help out her friend". This also introduces my first PE instance, as if you recall that line from Science of Suki where "Miss C" says Suki wasn't the biggest she's seen. It's in this episode.


Episode 5: Growing Concerns (Character focus: Acacia and Xan)
Acacia enacts on her long time crush by luring Xan over to her place to seduce him, as well as see just how well Vigora Vinum works on him. The result has another side effect on her she didn't see coming, turning her first time into something far more concerning.


Episode 6: [No title chosen yet] (Character focus: Xan, Zylus, and Lorelei)
While Lori will return when Club Academy opened, (probably as aside in an earlier episode somewhere) this is the first time with her back in a scene, where we showcase a lot more about her, including a massive character reveal about her. The events are kicked off by Zylus insisting Xan quit moping about not having Acacia around (she's fine, just busy, and Xan's still avoiding his mom) so Zy takes Xan around some of his favorite and highly pervy spots. Some events will have them sharing Lori before she has to mysteriously take off again.


From this point on, my outline is set, but here's a few quick episode or side-story pairings I plan on making.

Zylus and Hope: Not sure where to slot this one, but it will feature a character trait reveal about Hope.

Suki/Lia/Ciann: Once Suki is introduced proper, she'll recur in VV occasionally with Ciann as Ciann performs more tests and research with Suki. However a chance encounter with Lia has things go off the rails as the combination of Lia and Suki's pheromone is too much for even Ciann to resist.

Suki and Xan: Every wonder how they met in "blast a bathtub" and why Suki is so enamored with Xan in the images they appear together? This episode will explain why.

If you're wondering where Anji fits into this... so am I. I have a few pairings for her already being considered, but we'll see where we go in the main story.


One of my rules of writing is to have a beginning and an end, while leaving room in the middle to serve and build upon those foundations, so here's a vague snippet of how this would all conclude, at least as a main series called "VigoraVinum"

Episode Final: [Title Withheld] (Character Focus: All)
The final showdown with the cause of everything, it will take something from nearly every character, to stop the plot that's been set in motion years before the women had ever arrived. One character is finally going to have to confront what's been troubling her for the majority of her life.


Let's just hope I finish all this before I get bored with it all. My track record for "career changing" is about 5-7 years so far.



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