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(If any naughty terms are censored, omitted or euphemized in the follow story it's because I'm working around Patreon's prudish auto-filter.)

What a weird trip this has been. I'm not sure if people realize that I never really had the intent to start making a futa character, let alone have one dominate my character list so often. I may have told this story in bits and pieces, but let's iron it all out here.

It all started with VigoraVinum. Let's ignore how I decided to start that and fast forward to the scene some of you might have seen already, the Bar/G***H*** setting of Episode 1: Ladies Night, and my desperate search for more variety in the... offerings for Milori and Lori to partake in. I initially started out looking for fairly normal specimens. No horse-type, no monster models, just various shape and aesthetic of human. My search over all the models eventually lead me to "Penis10".

For all purposes, Penis10 is a WEIRD looking dick. In my fair share of online and IRL experience, I've never come across anything that looked like it. It's almost normal at the shaft until it balloons up to near (American) football-sized, though with a distinctly tiny head. I immediately wondered what would be going through the head of someone wielding such a massive, odd looking piece.
It was always my intention to have the last rod they faced at the GH be something of near inhuman size, and the odd shape of that model doubled up on that intention. I knew this is what I would be using, but still needed a model for it to go on.

Most of the background characters behind the wall of the GH are just randomly chosen from the male sections of the community uploads built into the mods. I have no intention of showing the character, and was just in need of a body to fill the gaps so it wouldn't look like each penis was jutting out from the void. They're positioned in weird impractical ways that wouldn't look good even if I did show them, because they were essentially a penis backdrop.
It was then I came across Tinala's "Hinata Sakura" in the male section.

I don't know what Hinata's deal is as a character. I wasn't sure if they existed in another property. If Hinata was designed to be an Otokonoko, or a Futa, but I found Hinata incredibly adorable, and thought to myself... "Sure, why not?" A fun little easter egg only I would know about. The largest penis at the end of VV would belong to a futa.

Of course my obsession with the look of the character had me messing around with faces and poses, as well as how the penis model would look on the character. During this time, some wild hair up my ass decided to experiment with the size. It was supposed to be the largest one after all. I had been reading my fair share of futa manga, because because the growth fetish seemed to live exclusively in that genre, and was getting a lot of inspiration from Condessa, Mura, Eigetu's "Contamination" series, and to a lesser but not insignificant extent, Teterun.
I wanted to test the waters of uploading to E-Hentai since it was fairly intimidating of a process, with lots of "too bad, you fucked up" opportunities, so I wasn't comfortable uploading any of the hundreds of pages of VigoraVinum until I was certain how it all worked... and decided I would make a "test comic" instead.

I set up several images of Hinata with various growth stages, and facial expressions, imagining a futa who, unlike the characters in the stories I listed earlier, was more horrified and embarrassed by what was happening to her. I barely modified the look of Hinata's model, giving her wider hips and a larger chest to make her look not so distinctly male. I wrote up some basic tier dialogue that I honestly think is pretty uninspired and cringe. Then I uploaded to E-Hentai...

Oh, wait. I need a title! Uh... shit. This was just a stupid 4 page test comic using a character that wasn't even designed by me, so I put no real thought into it.
I don't know what it is with P**n and alliteration but I figured "Secret" was going into the title. Just needed a Japanese name that starts with S... So I quickly placed the first name that popped in my head, "Suki."
While I came to find later that Suki isn't really used as a Japanese name, I earlier realized that the reason "Suki" was a name on my mind so quickly, is that I was talking to a friend who's cat recently died. A cat named Suki.
Sorry folks, I accidentally named Suki after a dead cat.
So.... "Suki's Secret". A title as shit tier as the writing contained within it, was born onto E-Hentai and I waited for it to be eviscerated. I noticed that the community over there was less than kind, especially to KK artists, but it was a shitpost test comic. Something to toss to the wolves, and endulge a bit of a fetish, so I could move on an concentrate on what I really wanted to make...

But it didn't get eviscerated. The first few votes were 5 stars, and most comments were excited and encouraging to see more of the "story" I never planned on continuing. I thought to myself, "Wait, shit. Do I HAVE something here? Are futa and growth stories really that popular?!" until I also thought, "Oh, fuck. This isn't my character! No one was really supposed to see and care about this!"

So first thing... I felt very very bad. I normally wouldn't have used the character, and while I feel if someone was going to upload their character card to the mod pack, I'd ASSUME that they'd expect someone to use them for their own stuff, but this comic was basically the "I made this" meme in hentai form.
If I was going to use "Suki" as a character again, she would have to become something I created.

So the first step in my redesign was to take the elements I liked about the Hinata Sakura character, and modify where I saw fit. I wasn't going to (or even able) to just load the model and "original character do not steal" some colors and tweaks, but I still wanted to use Hinata as a strong inspiration. It also tied the new Suki a bit better into her "origin".
I loved the twintails, so that hairstyle stayed. I changed the bangs slightly to a different trim cut. I kept the dark black expressive eyebrows. I changed her hair from light brown to ashy blue... because you gotta have blue hair.
I gave her heterochromatic eyes, partially to indicate her "two parts" but mostly because I wanted to design a character with heterochromia.
Her eyes and face needed to be a lot less rounded. One, to fit better into my own character's design elements, and second, to make her look older and more mature than the Hinata model's VERY young looking face.

When designing outfits, beside taking most of the elements of Hinata's gym uniform, changing only the hairclip's color (I thought it looked cute) making the track jacket a darker grey, and giving her longer shorts. Pretty sure someone who just had a hyper incident wouldn't want to wear something that short in public ever again.
When it came to her other outfits, I thought of someone who so vastly rejected their masculinity, that they overcompensated with frilly dresses and floral patterns. Lots of bulky clothing to hide who they really are. Color design elements were also representative of the duality of futa, with her male and female parts represented with stereotypical pink and blue.

While I dabbled with ideas for more stories about a hyper-futa and her misadventures with her uncontrolled growth spurts, it wasn't until I cemented Science of Suki as a "quick project I should finish in a few days" and uploaded that onto E-Hentai where I really felt I had something here. Plans to incorporate Suki into VigoraVinum, many many one-offs, spin-offs (like Punk Suki, Fit Suki and technically, even Anji) and most anything Suki related seems to be a fast ticket to a bunch of likes on Twitter and Pixiv.

So there you have it, She's born of an easter egg based on a weird-looking penis model who then became a rip-off design of a Tinala character I basically stole to make a shitpost comic, and still people love her.

I feel like at some point, Suki's schtick is going to get old, but hopefully you all plan on sticking around for the ride.



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