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Sure, very few people voted on this, and it was an intimidating looking poll, but starting out, it still gave some interesting results. Since Ranked Coice Voting in a political sense has some odd quirks about sending votes to other candidates in pure elimination rounds, I'll be ranking these characters by their raw data score, depending entirely on the votes they got in each rank, and totaling the points within.

If you want to know who won... you already know who won.

Onto the Loser's Club!

None of these characters were able to crack the top 10. Fair enough as they haven't been featured or introduced in many things. Their ranking within themselves goes left to right. Zylus was dead last with only one person voting him as their 8th choice, but clearly he doesn't give a shit.
Let's move into the top 10.

The incarnation of Mommy Milkers is so pale I usually have to tone down the character lighting to make her look less like a glowing void (a problem she shares with her daughter). She's only had a few features, but you'll get to see a lot more of her in VigoraVinum (preview here if you didn't catch it before: https://www.patreon.com/posts/comic-preview-1-58795475?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare ) I wonder if her low ranking is due to people already being wise to her bullshit?
Point total: 0.54

Being the petite flat girl in the world of titty queens doesn't give "Cayci" much of a chance, but she's honestly one of my favorite characters to write. Like the others, I wonder if VV will affect this rank any further. Acacia isn't offended by her ranking, and it just happy people did vote for her. Maybe she'll start sharing her sexy photos soon...
Point Total: 0.81

Vaias couldn't give less of a shit where she placed, she's just glad she placed higher than Milori. Hopefully people get to see more in her than "dark skin giant gazongas" once the first episode is fully released. Oddly among women, Vaias tends to be my most popular character on looks alone. Such rave quotes as "I love her outfit" and "Vaias about to make me act up"
Point total: 0.93

What the hell is he doing here? I placed him on the poll mostly as a space filling joke. He doesn't have lines, or a name! I can only guess being featured so close to Suki most of the time raised his favor a bit. If you're feeling sorry for him... you might not be when Suki's Sleepover is finally finished. Like Leiko, he was created to be a throwaway villain. Unlike Leiko, he never fleshed out as a character beyond "Leiko's Punching Bag".
Point total: 1.21

I think we have some fans of amazonian muscle girls around here. She may not be the insanely towering presence a lot of the muscle girls in H-Manga tend to be, but easily my bulkiest character. Just as blindingly pale as her mom, I usually have to tone down the lighting in her scenes.
Lia was always created to be a bubbly tough-girl, and this is the (second) most muscular incarnation of her. She has 3 variant designs with their own outfits because SO MANY of KKStudio's outfits are not kind to muscle girls. Her body will look slightly different from this in her first and second outings. Could there be a story reason? Or is it just that I found the muscle body months after designing her original look? The world may never know.
Point total: 1.32

An asexual in an H-Manga, I wouldn't expect 5th place to be the ranking of a girl who's not featured all that often. Let alone beating out the rest of her redhead cohorts.
Is it her inherent shyness? Her intelligence? Her asexuality making people desire something they likely can't have?
I'll wager it's probably because her role as "Miss C" in Science of Suki, means she's most recognizable to the majority of Suki's fans.
Point total: 1.60

She's just mad they didn't let her smoke in here. Punk Leiko isn't as sociopathic as Leiko Prime. Her rebellious nature did corrupt Punk Suki to being the abrasive super-slut that she is, but their relationship, regardless of how unorthodox it is, is what brings out Leiko's softer side. Punk Suki and Leiko really care for each other in their own fucked up way. And if THIS is Leiko at her softest, you have to imagine how awful the other Leiko is.
Point total: 1.70

You know I wrote her to be a throwaway villain, right? The design was generally lazy and quick (her original incarnation had a laughably large head) and I spent more time making gyaru style outfits for her than making her initial look. Yet somehow the more I played around with the character, the more fun I had with her. Coming up with character motivations became interesting to me. Like the fact she's half-japanese half-white since her mother was impregnated by a visiting american soldier, and this is why she resents foreigners. She was also designed to be a drug dealer, a human trafficker, and thief, desperate to get into the Yakuza, of which most of "Leiko-chan's Life" comics will be designed around.
It might be because she's so Suki adjacent in a lot of the one-offs I've created, that she's ranked this high.
Maybe "Leiko's Alley" will get some more positive reception now! (0 Days since JDelta complained about the reception of Leiko's Alley)
Point total: 1.90

While Punk Suki might be abrasive, rude, domineering, and generally kind of gross...
...we can all agree that she's like, super hot, right?
I can't believe just designing an alternate version of Suki for the "Rebel" prompt in my twitter project became such a hit right away. This is not helping my ADHD, adding yet another universe and character ideas to my already unfinished backlogs...
Point total: 4.59

By the way, you all knew this one was coming...

What started as a shitpost somehow became my absolute runaway popular character. I didn't realize the futa market was so fervent for more characters.
What is it about Suki? She started as what I assume was a barely modified otokonoko designed by Tinala, until my guilt for using his character in a comic I expected to go nowhere, forced me to redesign her into the Suki you know now. I'm sure I'll provide a more indepth analysis of how and why Suki came to be, along with my other character, but I'm glad she's managed to resonate with as many people as she does. It seems like nearly every single person who voted in the poll had her as their top choice.
Is it the fact she's a futa? The fact she hypers uncontrollably? Am I the only one that just finds her to be really really fucking cute?
Don't be afraid to tell me what you like about her, because even though I'm not the type of person to just keep making the popular thing because people want it, I easily like Suki enough to want to incorporate her into as many comics and one-offs I can without her schtick getting super stale.
Point total: 8.34

I'll probably do this kind of poll again in the near future. Summer, if I haven't completely faded into obscurity by then, that is.
If you want to see the results page (provided it's still up when you click this) click here: https://www.rcv123.org/results/qjr6tPUiyBUdYRuVEg2jS8/6zUVuyv4Ryhg39K3i4cGG3
Note the results are a little bit different in the chart above, as that abided by standard Ranked Choice Vote rules. I went by the raw ballot data calculations for tie breaker events.



I'm surprised Xan didn't get voted higher.Also what I like about Suki? The fact she is a self-conscious, embarrassed futa that hypers uncontrollably. Yes, that's cute AF