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I hope you all read this, cause it's story time and there's a history to what finally became this image.

I've said in numerous places, I can't draw for shit. I have images on my head, but when pencil hits paper, you'll witness "Little Billy's first animu" and I can't get it to match my admittedly fuzzy mind-vision.
So I commission artists. Well, I attempt to. I'm not the kind of prick who whines about having to pay any sort of price, but a lot of artists have this obnoxious chip on their shoulder or can't just tell you "I don't want to do it." You know, the same fuckers who do elaborate fanart and animations for free in order to get one of their celebrity senpais to notice them, but bitch if you ask them for your OC within a certain detail, and claim you could never afford them.
Basic point: What the fuck is wrong with internet artists?

Ok, so Ciann is probably one of my oldest OCs, and getting art done of her was most likely, but still not guaranteed. I wanted something a bit more lewd of her instead of her usual "battle outfit" I'd normally get commissioned. I found an artist on DA (yes, I know) who's style I really liked, and thought he'd make the perfect image for.

I sent him a standard commission request, describing what I wanted.
Ciann, looking into a mirror, her backside to the camera, in a blue lacy bra and panties. In the mirror we can see her from the front, looking shocked and shyly covering up, while looking at the POV of the "camera."

He sent back a message, "Um, where's this character from?"

"It's my OC", I replied. "I create her in multiple games, but I usually play her in WoW."

"I don't do fanart."

"It's not fanart!" I interjected, "It's my own character of my own creation." I was confused as to why I was getting such pushback.

"Well, even so, the clothing you wear in the game is copyrighted by Blizzard, and that's technically fanart. I can't sell prints if it's copyrighted."

At this point I gave up in the conversation. It was a weird stance to take because I think it's a little fucked to sell prints of someone else's commissions, because the only money you should make on that drawing IS that commission fee.
Secondly, I wasn't having her wear anything that was featured in the game, but even if I was, I can't imagine Blizzard having any legal copyright case toward her very basic RP outfit, a blue vest and a long pleated skirt. I think I sent that back to him but he stopped responding altogether.

A few months later, I saw him posting more drawings... of people WoW OCs.

Basically fuck that fucking guy.

Thank Suki for Koikatsu, because finally I was able to make this image some semblance of a reality. Would be super cool if I were able to commission an artist to make this super fancy some day, but I'm glad I can finally show what I always wanted to make....

Also, Ciann is wearing a bra in one image and not wearing one in the other, because I wasn't 100% sure what "just underwear" meant, and I por qué no los dos'd it. This image was very easy to make in KK, so I decided to dump all my effort into writing up this stupid story.




This may just be my personal taste, but are there any lighting options in Koikatsu to make the characters look more natural in their environment? As it is now, they look a bit out of place with how much their coloring stands out from everything else. Also, would it be possible to capture side-by-side images for viewing in VR/3D?


To your first question, one of the biggest PITAs of KK lighting is that "Character Lighting" and "Map Lighting" are often completely separate. I usually use character lighting that I like the general shading on, but adjusting it to also fit the map I've chosen is pretty chaotic with all the mods and maps using different lighting, textures, and even color schemes. If you have any specific tips on what you would like adjusted, I can see what I come across. I've found I'm not a huge fan of the game's lighting filters. or the modded ones, and I'm fairly colorblind so if there's a specific things clashing, I likely may not notice. If you're talking about Ciann's image in the mirror, that's an annoying KK quirk where the lighting doesn't carry over to reflected images. I went into more detail about it in tomorrow's post (which is scheduled for noon EST), but if that's the issue, I really wish I had a better workaround for it. Appreciate the feedback nonetheless, as I won't improve otherwise! To the second, I haven't tried that, but I'm curious how well that would work. The only thing I think I can do is move the camera horizontally a bit, or move the model to take both shots. If I run across any tips or mods about that, I'll see what i can do beyond basic experimentation. Any image you'd like me to try that on first?


As for the character's lighting on this one in particular, her backside seems brighter than the rest of the room. Not sure how much adjustments you can make for that. Her reflection does seem to be missing some lighting, but that may just be a quirk like you mentioned. I like how your other works involving Suki came out as they look great. As for the 3D attempt, it sounds tricky, but theoretically possible to capture an image like that by shifting the camera position slightly. I'd like to see you try it with either the first picture from Leiko's NTR call or the main picture from the Science of Suki's Patreon post. I was mostly curious if there was a built-in option or mod to easily capture stereoscopic renders.