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Hey guys, another sequence featuring Red and Sophie (66 pages :P) :P

I'll upload this one on DA and FA on October.


Join my discord server: discord.gg/E4EE4bQ
Website: https://minulia.com  




Juste fantastique. Bravo !


Holy hell Minu! I have no idea how I missed this post but this is definitely your best work to this date. Not only the gradual changes look extremely nice, the added depth of field effect adds a lot to make it even more pleasing to the eye. There's so mich to love about in so many pages that it would be way too mich to go into detail here. But what I didn't expect the most is to see the absolute cutie Red in here and I have to say that you nailed her look. Absolutely adorable. ;-; Fantastic work hun! <3


Woa <3 Thank you for your comment! To me, I think it's my best sequence too. I admit that the depth of field add a nice ambiance ;) Thank you SO MUCH for your support and your love <3 By the way, I think I can take a commission ;) Send me a message on discord :P