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Hey guys, for this sequence (and the next one ;) ). I'll upload all the pages in the same times, because we are already the 26h of the month ;)

Join my discord server: discord.gg/E4EE4bQ
Website: https://minulia.com 




Oh jeez I love this one so much. Thank you for releasing this as a whole package. <3 The atmosphere, lust and also the gradual changes (that muzz!) are so well done and very erotic. <3 I really hope I can finally get another chance for a commission once you are open again. I already have way too many ideas floating around. :D


Hey ;) Thank you so much for your comment <3 I'll see if I open commissions.. Do you prefer if I release sequence in one time like this ?


Take your time hun. <3 Personally I do prefer it a little to release it as a whole over the gradual release of 1-2 pages per day. With a full pack you can just enjoy it as a whole thing at once. You can just go back and forth as much as you want to enjoy the entire sequence. Though I also do want to mention that I usually pay a little more attention to each page if pages are gradually released. But I also sometimes you skip all the pages until the last page is released to read it as a whole. I mostly do that for comics cause I have the memory of an elephant in reverse. :D It's all just my personal preference and experience but I would completely understand if you want to keep your usual cycle out of convenience or time reasons. :3


Okay. On patreon, it's pretty easy to do everything at once. It's really longer on DA and FA, I can't upload multiple images at the same time.


Yeah the FA upload system is ancient and really needs an overhaul. Dunno if the redesign also includes a more modern upload system. :/ Good to know that it's fairly easy on patreon. <3 Maybe you should do another poll and ask your patreons what method of uploading they prefer. I can't speak for the majority and also don't want to force my views onto them. :3