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So this new Roland groove box dropped today, the SH-4d: https://www.roland.com/us/products/sh-4d/

Roland reached out early and sent me a unit. I got to know it a little bit but stopped messing with it because I knew the embargo drop date was going to be a shitshow and that Roland doesn't pay for shit. So I wasn't going to do a drop-day video.

Then they reached out and asked what I was planning to do. I told them my fee, and that I didn't want to do a drop-day video. They countered with half my fee and asked if I could do some supplementary content. 

I said yes, and produced two tracks for their Soundcloud playlist (the audio is attached) and two Instagram videos that will come out in March.

My take on the device is: 

It sounds good. The synth engines are fun to play with. 

The sequencing is a pain, and the entire process of using it reeks of Roland jank. 

Between this and the SP404 Mk II I just bounced off of and am sending back to Roland, I kinda feel like Roland should just fire their entire UI / UX team and start over.

So we have a good-sounding device, not fun to program, but the real kicker is that it's not fun to perform. You can enter a mode where you can mute and unmute everything with a button, including drums, and you can mess with one synth at a time. It felt like fighting the whole time.

There's basic probability in the sequencer but nothing else. I didn't feel like I could really stretch out and experiment. This was my take on the SP404, too, in that it just felt really restrictive and wanted me to learn a whole new take on something I already had learned with something else I already liked.

I think there's a lot of value here, but the experience wasn't for me.



My Roland MC 505 sequencer from 2000 is probably of the same quality. Is the midi impl. good? If so? it's probably more fun with a Digitakt.... or somthing like bcr2000, beat-step, korg sequencer...


Man.. How can one make such amazing sounds but then miss the point completely with a device. I had a MC-707 which in some aspects was amazing, but then in the aspects where they could've been awesome they failed. 8 faders with 3 buttons each, and still I didn't ever feel like I had an encoder to do what I wanted. Also "live looping" limited to 60 sec.. what the actual.. Synth engine was pretty dope though, but again, do I want to have 32 faders/knobs that can only do very little live tweaking of wonderful synth engines