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Hi friends,

I am very proud to announce I have released a live album of 124 groovy techno-ish music called "Cast in Amber". The album is attached as MP3, but if you want to further support, check it out on Bandcamp here: https://soundvision.bandcamp.com/album/cast-in-amber

If you've been following me for any small length of time, you'll know I've been playing with a particular modular rig for some live performances on stream. You can read about the rig here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/let-me-tell-you-46839588

This is what led to this album. The show for New York Modular Society bolstered my confidence quite a bit, and the organizer asked when I was doing an EP. I was like, soon! Yes! Haha!

So I sat down and recorded 40 minutes of new performance, then brought that into Ableton as stems. I made some edits, added some drums, mixed it, and then married it with the 20-minute performance from the NYMS show.

What we get is a seamless hour of mostly chill, funky modular electronic music. 

This is the culmination of a bunch of hard work, and also represents a send-off to the rack and patch I put so much effort into and practiced more than I have in years on. The music is the fossil, the album is the amber, and you are looking wonderful today.

This will be on all streaming services as soon as I've let it out into the world just enough to make sure there are no issues with it technically. Gapless albums are weird to make.

Much love,





So, so, *so* good. Not even all the way through Neolithic yet, and I'm loving it. Looking forward to the rest of the album through the rest of the day. Thank you!


I enjoyed the album a lot. I would be very interested in hearing about the technical challenges of a gapless album as you mention. I would have thought it was just a matter of being very precise with the start and endpoints of the tracks. Is there more to it?


i exported the whole thing as one file then brought it back into ableton to make the cuts on the beat. i wanted to make sure all the effects were baked into the cuts. then i brought those cuts, the individual tracks, into audition where i very carefully faded the first and last few microseconds of each track to fade to the zero crossing. this is so none of the tracks pop or click on start or end. then i did my resampling to 44.1 and had my finals.