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Hi all,

Wanted to do a little transparency check up with the channel and what's on the plate still. I have so many video ideas planned it's kinda crazy. I film once a week and with the way things looking I have enough on the schedule for almost the rest of the year. Time is really the most valuable asset.

You can see a portion of my Trello above. A few of these are in various stages of doneness. Hope to get to filming the Patreon q+a stuff tomorrow.

I hope there's something in that schedule you're interested in checking out! Thank you again for being patrons. It means a lot.






'Making Melodies' ....yah that's an enticing title. More of that sort of stuff transcending gear, or concepts presented in a way translatable to different instruments. I'm here cause your songwriting skills awe me, so if you teach us to say, make killer basslines, I'd consider that a good direction to go. What's a syntorial btw? (: Look forward to find out what that is. Will be nice to see your take on the Zoia too. Whatever you manage to cross off that list, pretty sure I'll be pleased with all of it.


Very interested in what you get up to with the Microfreak