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It's not only me who's going to be flipping out by this, right?!

It's no surprise to anyone in the sapphic romance community that Lee Winter is someone writing in the cream of the crop, so to speak. She's the only writer who has two books that make it into my top 5 sapphic romances, which qualifies her as my favorite author, I think?! Definitely my favorite author that I'm not engaged to!

The queen of ice queens herself is an Australian author who had an illustrious career in journalism before becoming a beloved romance writer. I think this makes a whole lotta sense when you read The Red Files & sequels. 

As for my comment on that - I'm usually not super into "the plot" of a romance if it's not about the characters. Like, if there's a side plot, I'm normally skimming over it to get back to the central love interests and their dynamic. I first realized how much I loved LW's books because I picked up The Red Files... and actually really was interested in Lauren and Catherine's mystery plot :O It was a shocker to me, but I dove in and read all of her books from that point. 

Her newest release, Vengeance Planning for Amateurs is newly out this month! Available here on amazon or here on the ylva website. You can find Lee on twitter here!




Haley, where can I find your top 5?


Yes, i second this question! Haley, what is your top 5 sapphic romances?