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Here we go! 

I started CassAsks at the start of 2023, and I'm rounding out the year with Cass-Asking... myself! 

In fairness, Monica reversed the roles and customized a handful of questions for me. I, perhaps, should have asked her to intro me here, as well, but I'll assume everyone here already knows my basic intro information. 

Some of these questions, honestly, were a lot more difficult to answer than I thought they would be! Really makes me appreciate the authors who partake in this even more than I already did :) 


Shelby White

Okay, I cannot believe this but I found your books like a month ago and read them all very quickly. I love them all. Then I am reading this CassAsks and learn that you were writing some of my favorite fanfic when I was in high school and didn’t know I was a lesbian yet?! This is all too full circle!

Dalila Ribeiro

I loved it!! It’s amazing to get this overview with the questions! And now I am curious with the others half in each couple for the table question 😂😂