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I did this last year and now, here we are again -

Here's the deal: I love the holidays. And here on my patreon, I refer to the holidays as Cassmas!

Comment here with your favorite holiday tradition (does NOT have to be Christmas; just whatever wintery holiday/traditions you celebrate!) for a chance to win a hand-selected book-lovers themed holiday basket (with a few extra HCLU-specific items thrown in for good measure). The person randomly selected will receive a message sometime next week to confirm their address!

I, personally, love to wake up really early on Christmas morning and watch Christmas movies, while the sky is still dark, and the only illumination comes from the Christmas tree lights.



Our FRIENDS and Taylor Swift ornaments are our favorites. Also the ornaments of our dogs. We have 2 trees this year because my wife is a travel nurse so we’re living in 2 houses right now (not separately) which I guess is pretty unique to us

Celestia Nightane

My favourite holiday tradition is walking through the floodlit streets, with my family. We have that habit of drinking mulled wine and eating churros on the Christmas market every year. And we always let our slippers under the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve