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Hey y'all! 

Here is the recording from the patreon zoom from earlier today, if anyone wants to view it who could not attend. 

Overall, there were almost THIRTY people who came?!! Seriously, I was prepared for, like, 3 or 4 people to show up, so having so many of you make time to join the zoom with me on a Sunday evening (... ET) is so, so appreciated. 

I'm always really nervous before doing a zoom or even chatting with people I don't know very well, but I had a really good time chatting and answering questions about characters and books. 

For everyone who was able to come to the zoom - again, thank you SO much, it was really fun to chat, and I hope to see you again in the future. 

For everyone who couldn't make it to the zoom - I plan on doing zoom calls like this whenever I have a new release, so there will be more opportunities in the future for you to join in on the (hopeful) fun! 

The biggest thank you shout out has to go to not only Monica (for giving me the emotional support leading up to the zoom and also joining and helping to moderate and sometimes answering questions herself), but also to Macon and Liz aka "the couple in Florida." Having them moderate (as I said in the zoom) was not planned, I somewhat jokingly assigned them to the comments/conversation zone, but they jumped in and really did it - and did it well! 

Alas - here is the nearly two hours of chatting, if anyone wants to check it out!


Passcode: b6Zfjw.e (I don't think you will need the passcode but it's here if you do)


Clara Nhu

Thank you again for the lovely cession Haley, and all readers. And of course Monica, Liz, and Macon ( I am using the right names this time and not saying the couple on vacation in Florida 😬)

Morgan Kings

Just caught up on this - yes to Jeopardy!