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Book Club (kinda?) - Zoom!

  • Saturday, November 18 - 4PM EST (1PM pacific time, 9PM London/10PM Germany, 8AM Sunday morning in Australia) 36
  • Sunday, November 19 - 4PM EST (1PM pacific time, 9PM London/10PM Germany, 8AM Sunday morning in Australia) 66
  • 2023-10-24
  • 102 votes
{'title': 'Book Club (kinda?) - Zoom!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Saturday, November 18 - 4PM EST (1PM pacific time, 9PM London/10PM Germany, 8AM Sunday morning in Australia)', 'votes': 36}, {'text': 'Sunday, November 19 - 4PM EST (1PM pacific time, 9PM London/10PM Germany, 8AM Sunday morning in Australia)', 'votes': 66}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 24, 16, 53, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 102}


Hi, y'all!

Happy On the Same Page release day to everyone here :)

Last year, I hosted a zoom session with my patrons around this time of year, and I'm thinking that I'm going to make it an annual thing. Especially as we are on the heels of a new book release!

I'm posting a poll here to determine when would be the best time for people who want to join. It's not for a few weeks, so we have plenty of time to plan!

For the record, you do not have to have a video on to join. You don't have to even say anything, if you don't want to (though I sincerely hope some people will... please...). 

I'm gonna be there to talk and answer questions - either about On the Same Page or Those Who Wait/Midnight Rain or... any book/character, past, present, or future, for at least an hour or two!


Robin M Lee

Congratulations on launch day! I'm reading On the Same Page now!

Jen Fernandez

Looks like the 19th will win which sucks for me because I have family Thanksgiving that day. 😢 Will you be recording the zoom to have it available to watch later? If not no big deal, just thought I'd ask.

Haley Cass

I can/will, if you're interested! I'll be making a post next week confirming the date/time, and firming up some details, which will also include that you can ask questions ahead of time for me to answer, as well :) So keep an eye out for that post!