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In honor of September and seeing so many people I know on socials posting about their kids going back to school, I ended up thinking a lot about, well, what exactly it would be like with my characters and their children. 

So far in the HCLU, everyone is aware of Charlotte and Sutton's daughters - Madelyn Regan Thompson and Elizabeth "Elle" Victoria Thompson. 

In their younger years, Madelyn was fearless - going to school didn't faze her in the least. 

What you might be surprised to hear, though, is that Charlotte was the more concerned parent between her and Sutton, regarding worrying about their daughters at school. When it was Elle's time to start - much quieter and more cautious of the world - Sutton, too, was nervous. 

Luckily, though, she attended the same school as her older sister, who marched them fearlessly into the future. Well, Madelyn was fearless, and that was enough for the rest of the family. 

As they got older, those personalities matured deeper into who Madelyn and Ellie were. 

For most of Madelyn's time in middle and high school, Charlotte was the president. Though a lot of pressure to live up to, Madelyn often took on the challenge face-on, and often directed attention at her in social situations, knowing that her sister would rather not have to deal with it. 

The most illustrious child character, of course, is Abbie Dalton.

Young Abbie really needs to introduction or elaboration. 

High school aged Abbie, though, really grew into the soccer skills that she started developing in WYLEI, becoming an extremely talented and capable goalie. So much so, that she was scouted out to join a nationally ranked junior team, requiring her to switch to a private, elite prep school for the second half of high school. 

You can read more about that below, with "Elliston Prep - day 1."*

Brooke and Taylor are and always will be happily child-free. They are, however, very involved in school events of Faircombe (obviously) and in Taylor's niece and nephew's lives. 

Ellie and Mia had a very intense debate as to whether or not they would have a child -- neither of them have the need to have children, but after being together for several years, they decided it was the right thing for them. 

Jamie Beckett-Sharpe is a very precocious, very adventurous kid, taking on the extremes of both of her parents. 

While Ellie was extremely anxious for Jamie to start school, given Ellie's own less than stellar experience in school growing up, Jamie had no such qualms. 

Gianna and Riley have, unquestionably, the biggest family I imagine for any of my characters. 

Anya is two years older than Emmi who is two years older than twins, Pippa and Annabelle, so by the time Anya starts school, things are already very perfectly hectic in the Mäkinen Beckett household - for the record, Mäkinen is all of the girls middle name; both Gianna and Riley would never saddle their children with a hyphen using a last name that alone is already a mouthful. 

While Gianna physically was pregnant and birthed all of the children, Emmi is the only one of their daughters born with them using Gianna's egg. Riley's eggs were used for Anya and, of course, the twins. 

Getting their brood to school - and typically picking up cousin Jamie on the way - is always an adventure. But the thing is, Gianna is always up for an adventure. So it's kind of great how that works out, right?

* Abbie's adventure at Elliston prep is only the beginning of Abbie's own journey into her adolescence and adulthood that I want to explore, so I hope you enjoy! 


ashleigh barnett

You do realize you have a fully thought out tv show.

Cristy Kuhn

Ahhh! I just realized I missed this Abbie/Rose story from months ago. Pleaseeeee, I need more! 🤯🙏🏼⚽️