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The above is a question I ask myself a lot!

Hi all :)

I have some big news to share, both in terms of personal updates and professional updates, and both pertaining to the reason I've been so quiet on socials and here for a bit -

- drum roll -

I have officially quit my job!

For the years 6 years, I've worked at a rehabilitation group home for adults living with debilitating mental illness. And honestly, for much of that time, I loved my job. Some of my clients are people I care deeply about, one of the people I worked closely with was one of my lifelong best friends, another person I worked with has become one of my best friends, and I was blessed to have a place where -- most of the time -- going to work didn't feel like a chore.

And I worked long hours... usually 60/week.

It has started to hinder my writing, though, for the last 6+ months or so, because ya know something? Social work is exhausting and draining and even though I did like my job, it was not my passion. Which, given you are here reading this, you know what my passion is :)

So, I spent some quality time at work and focused on pushing through some stuff there in the last 6 weeks andddd quit my job!

Which means!!! Writing is officially my full time job, now.

It's kind of huge and more than kind of scary.

I've wanted this for a long time, but... there has been a lot of doubt - what if I fail? What if I can't support myself through writing?

And the what-ifs can really paralyze you, if you let them.

Luckily for me, though, I also have an amazing partner who has really supported me in this and really built me up and convinced me I can do it.

And on that note...

For a little personal update - I've also been very busy in the last month because I've moved to Philadelphia!

With the person I want to spend all of my time living there and no longer having an in-person job (along with a few other things), I decided to take a leap! It's the first time I will have ever lived outside of my literal state, but it's been incredible.

What's not to love about being able to spend a ton of time with your favorite person?!

So, as you can imagine, this has been a whirlwind past 8 weeks or so (also including meeting each other's family!)

But we're back! And while writing is my strength, business management is absolutely not my strength. The great news is that it is Monica's strength!

Something that has already been completed is the re-organization of my tags on here. I used to tag most things accurately... but they weren't necessarily concise or perfectly organized for you to find what you're looking for. For example, all Midnight Rain updates can be found with either the Midnight Rain or Those Who Wait au tag.

As for On the Same Page patrons - this is some big news! Summertime Cassmas is coming! To those who have been waiting, the official On the Same Page patreon release is August 18!

I know it is incredibly late - just have had so many insane things happening irl, as shown above. But! Because of that, everyone who has been in those tiers waiting for the last few months will be getting a little gift coming your way upon the book release :)

** If that is something you want to take part in (as well as anything like this in the future), please enter your contact details into this google form https://bit.ly/HaleyCassPatreon. Please fill this out even if you have already given me your address via message. My old "system" was... much less organized than this lol **

So, that is all from me. Big changes, big transformations in life, but all of them positive, and going forward, should afford me far more time to write and be far more present.

As always, thank you for being here and a part of the journey!


Jordan Wieme

Gah! I love this news! Congrats to both of you! 🥂

Tiffany S.

Congrats on both! I’m selfishly stoked you have more time to write. What are the chances you and Monica collaborate on a project??