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Better Than Expected is set to come out, a companion novella to WYLEI, on November 18, as announced today. I would have given you all the cover early, but I had to get the pre-order up and the cover was just finalized this week lol

But just so everyone is aware, this is What Forever Means! That was simply a working title until I figured out what to make it for publishing. So... for those of you in that tier, you already have the book :) It's just slightly more polished up and formatted a bit differently now.

I'm officially working on my next holiday novella/short story for everyone in those tiers, that will be posted here. And then that one will be released for everyone in 2023 holiday season, while I work on a new one here, and so it goes!

I have so. many. fresh. ideas for stories... not that I needed them lol since I have about a million already.

They include - one about a modern day princess (Callie) who is concealing her identity, and one about friends with benefits... in reverse? (Summer and Vanessa) Benefits then friends?! I'm not sure which will come to fruition first, but I intend to be working on it as soon as I finish with my holiday novella here. ... I am always happy to share more about these ideas I have, but I never know how much of my rambling of future ideas anyone wants to hear lol

Some other news - I have 2 potential zooms! So, my "day job" is actually a night job, and therefore, I don't keep normal hours. Which is convenient, as I noticed there were a handful of people who were international when it came to zoom sessions with me!

So, for those in Europe or Asia or Australia etc, I'm floating the idea of a zoom next weekend. It would be Sunday November 6 in the very early morning my time, at 10am for anyone in GMT+2 (I think.. that is the right time zone. France and Germany time), 4pm in GMT+8, and 7pm in GMT+11. So, for people outside of the US, I think this should work?

And for anyone IN the US, if you are free on Sunday evening ~8pm EST (5pm pacific). Does this work? I can also do a Monday.

You can come in and hang out for the full hour or less, whatever you want?! But if you DO want to zoom in, please let me know so I can plan it out :) This is the time to ask me anything you might want to know! Anything about my stories, past or present, whatever you want


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