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that is you all, in case you did not know

So in the coming 7-10 days, I have some stuff coming your way - 

A couple of chapters, a new TWW alt ending chapter, and, this one might be fun and I spent maybe way too much time on it last week, a video in which I go in-depth and discuss my thought process behind different scenes in Those Who Wait. A while ago, someone purchased my first ever annotated copy, and I... well, I'm me. So I made about a bajillion notes about the characters and my thoughts on them and on different moments in the book, all of that BTS stuff. 

So... keep your eyes peeled :) 

BUT my biggest question for you all is this - 

I'd really like to kick off my video chats with a live zoom Q&A. Which would mean, me opening a zoom for any one of you who would be interested in joining me. I thought - you can come and ask me questions there - about my books, characters, future works, fandom, idk... mostly free reign. Just a little nighttime chat together

SO! If you would have any interest in that, please comment here or send me a lil message so I can set up a time/date (if you didn't want to talk or keep your video on, totally welcome to just use the chat function too!)

Also, if you are interested in a lil zoom, comment with what times work best for you, please


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