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Here's a little fun fact about me...

I was in Australia for a month!

I did get every finishing touch on my novella, Down to A Science, coming out in just a couple of days. I admit that I struggled with it as a NOVELLA more than I anticipated - let's all face the facts, I was not built for small, short novels D:

But that's okay. I'm a wordy bitch and I hope that is why you are all here!

I have attached the first three chapters here to get you all ready :)

Novella is to be released so soon, I have an upcoming chapter for the Those Who Wait alt. ending coming up shortly, as well.

In the meantime, I did a give away on twitter for a copy of the In the Long Run audiobook, that came out this month. But since I like you guys the best, I'm going to be doing three audiobook codes here. If you'd like to potentially get one of the three free copies I have, comment here regarding the best place you've ever traveled or place you want to travel the most :)

Also, here is a picture of a kangaroo... I TOUCHED IT

Was I scared? Yes. Was it very soft? Also yes.


Regina A

Very happy for you! I have visited my sister there in Australia a couple of times and loved it. I have been wanting to go back home for a few weeks (Manila!) since I haven't been able to travel since the pandemic started. Hopefully I will be able to do that next month :D

Laurel Davis

Congratulations to you!! And thank you for the wonderful update and chapters.