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Hey, all! As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I'm going to have a Q&A recorded with my friends and I, with questions from you! I'm listing the questions I've been asked either on that post of in message below. If you want to ask any more questions, make sure you comment or message them tomorrow :) 


What was your background before you started writing full time?

What is your ultimate goal with regard to your writing career?

How do you create "chemistry" when you're writing the relationship between the two leads? What do you think of first when you're developing them as separate characters and as a couple?

If I could also ask, when is Hannah's birthday? Since the book went through a year and we got to see both Caroline and Abby's birthday I was curious if it happened early in the year before she and Caroline became friends

What shows/movies do you and your friends enjoy watching? Are you into any reality tv shows?

Is there any chance you will write sci-fi or fantasy?

Any chance of any WYLEI but from Hannah’s perspective? Also why doesn’t Hannah go back to her own name? Surely she wants separation in that too?

I always had the head canon that your books are all set in the same universe, and your latest short story kinda confirms it. Will there be more hints at a shared universe? And will we have an epic avenger style crossover in future novels, with Sapphicspark as the common through line and Alia as our Nick Fury? P.S. Whatever your answer may be, this will forever be my head canon.

Will there be more Abbie short stories? She's just so adorable and your short story made me reread WYLEI.

Which character traits and other similarities do you share with Brooke (and with your other characters)? Of all the characters in your books which of them is most your type/would you fall the hardest for??

You mentioned before that you had an alternate ending(?) or storyline  for Those Who Wait... does When you least expect it also have one?  Have you ever written a story without a happy ending? If not, would you  ever write one?   What would your advice be for people who are struggling to come to terms  with their sexuality?

Will there really be a followup to Savannah/Marisa?! What is it about????


Dakota Pruiss

What drove the decision behind turning TWW into a novel? I recall you saying it started out as a fanfic project (and drawing parallels is super fun during re-reads knowing that).


I’m not sure if I’m too late to add on a question and in my current exhaustion this might come out garbled but I just saw you tweet about Behind the Green Curtain. A year or more ago I read it base on your recommendation and loved it. Have you read any of LaShea’s other books? I was so impressed with her 21 Weeks serial, I read all 1000+ pages in a weekend and it absolutely destroyed me in the best possible way. It was so different from BTGC, but shared the commonality of intense psychological tension. I haven’t read any of her other books but they are spread over multiple genres. Do you write in other genres? Is there something core to your writing you think spans genres?