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set after they have struck up their arrangement! Enjoy!


Sutton, for the life of her, could not focus on anything.

There were multiple reasons for her lack of concentration – first, they had on a documentary about the Peloponnesian War, which was admittedly not a topic she was super personally interested in. Second, Charlotte was sitting on the cushion next to her in a pair of soft, little shorts and a slightly-too-large sweater that hung just off one of her shoulders.

Sutton never really noticed shoulders before. Not women’s shoulders, anyway, not like this. She’d certainly never appreciated the soft slope of them. Never admired the delicate brush of freckles over creamy skin.

Tendrils of her light brown hair fell out of the bun her hair had been tossed up into as they’d settled onto the couch after dinner for this new documentary that Charlotte was utterly thrilled about. She was so interested in history, even in the lesser-known parts of history, especially in leaders and wars and the political nuances, that it was almost nerdy. Charlotte would never admit it, and Sutton would never admit aloud how cute it was to her.

The third and biggest reason, though, that she couldn’t concentrate was because on Saturday night, Charlotte had gone down on her for over an hour. They’d been having sex as per their arrangement for almost three weeks now, and had sex a couple times a week, so Charlotte had gone down on her, before. And it had been really, really great, every time.

But this weekend, she’d pushed Sutton down onto the bed and reached down to spread her thighs as she’d whispered into the night, “I’ve had a rough week at work. And what I need tonight is to make you come into my mouth until you just can’t move anymore.”

And she had certainly accomplished her goal.

Sutton had been shaking, panting, barely able to breathe by the time Charlotte had finished, and had proceeded to grind down onto Sutton’s thigh until she’d come, herself.

That had been the last time they’d seen one another, four days ago. Sutton hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it, since.

So, scratch her previous thought – she could not focus on anything… except for Charlotte.

She sat with her knees pulled up to her chest, resting her cheek on them with her head turned to the side so she could just watch Charlotte’s profile, while Charlotte watched the television.

It wasn’t only because the sex had been so good and she’d come so hard into Charlotte’s mouth that it made her throb and get wet all over again that had her distracted. It was also because they were weeks into this arrangement, and Sutton had yet to go down on Charlotte.

She’d always been curious about it. And after the first time – which had been the second time they’d ever had sex – she’d wanted to do it.

Oral sex had never been great for her; only two of the guys she’d ever been with had attempted it, and she felt self-conscious most of the time. With Charlotte, she’d felt too desired to feel self-conscious.

But now that she knew that someone licking her could feel like that?

Yeah. She wanted to make Charlotte feel that.

The issue, really, was – well, how did she go about doing that? Charlotte was all confidence and was utterly smooth whenever she approached Sutton about having sex. Sutton… was not all that smooth, even when she did initiate things between them.

And even if she was, tonight was supposed to be a friends-only night. Friends! It was her idea that they have strictly-friend hangouts, still, to maintain their friendship.

So far, they’d been doing a pretty poor job of that. Like, an extremely pretty poor job.

She hadn’t even realized she’d drifted closer to Charlotte on the couch, until Charlotte turned her head just so, and said, “It’s truly disheartening that the Spartans – you are far closer than I’d realized.”

Her honey brown eyes sparkled with the bit of teasing at the end of her sentence, and she arched an eyebrow in unspoken question at Sutton.

Who blushed and shook her head as she sat back against the couch. “Um. Sorry.”

Charlotte’s questioning look disappeared as she sighed, heavily. “No, no, it’s me who should be sorry. I never listen to Caleb when he tells me that my documentaries are boring – mostly because I don’t care much if he’s bored,” she hit Sutton with a quick wink that somehow always – damningly – made her stomach flutter. “But I do care if you are.”

“No,” Sutton rushed to say, reaching for Charlotte’s hand instinctually, holding hers over it. It hadn’t failed to amaze her at all in their friendship that when they held hands, hers were the bigger of the two. “You – I’m not – the documentary isn’t boring.”

Really, if Sutton wasn’t so into thinking about making Charlotte come in her mouth, she might not be riveted, but she wouldn’t be bored.

Charlotte gave her a disbelieving look. “No? Then what is it that has you drifting?”

Sutton opened her mouth to say – well, she didn’t know. Nothing! Or I have a paper I need to write that has me distracted. Or I’m not drifting.

What came out as she stroked her fingers over the back of Charlotte’s hand was, “I just really want to go down on you.”

Sutton immediately felt the resulting blush heat her cheeks as she squeezed her eyes closed. Christ.



Charlotte’s brain completely went haywire as those words echoed through it.

I just really want to go down on you, in Sutton’s fucking voice.

“You – what?” She ineloquently asked.

How did this woman do this to her? How had she been propositioned – how had she propositioned other women – in far more obscene words, and yet it was this woman who was blushing up a storm, who caused such a shock to Charlotte’s system?

Who caused everything in Charlotte to want to utterly explodein just a few words?

“I… never mind,” Sutton mumbled, flexing her hand as though she was about to pull it back.

She squeezed Sutton’s hand urgently, holding on tight, finding that she was already wet at just the words. Fuck, she’d thought about those pink lips on her pussy more than she’d care to admit. For far longer than their friendly agreement ranged back.

“No, no. Tell me, please.” Charlotte didn’t beg; but that please was as close as she’d come.

Sutton cleared her throat, cheeks stained adorably pink as she seemingly absently reached out to curl a few of Charlotte’s escaped strands of hair at the nape of her neck around long fingers. “I – you – after this weekend… well, I keep thinking about how much I want to go down on you. Like.” She coughed again. “I want to taste you, the way you tasted me. I want to make you feel as good as you made me feel.”

Oh, she could so easily remember how good she’d made Sutton feel. The way those long legs had trembled and splayed open when Charlotte had made her come for a third time, Sutton’s chest heaving for breath, while her come had dripped down Charlotte’s chin… yes. She remembered it vividly.

“But I know that tonight is just supposed to be a friend-hangout and you’ve been wanting to watch this documentary –”

Hell no. She reached up and threaded her fingers through long red hair, and pulled Sutton’s face down to hers. Charlotte had never been someone who needed to kiss hello or goodbye – she supposed that was a side effect of never having dated someone for real – and it wasn’t like she needed it, even with Sutton.

But… she was a big enough woman that she could admit that she was getting to a point that she wanted it. That she’d wanted it when Sutton had entered her apartment earlier, even though she’d known that wasn’t what tonight was about.

She groaned into Sutton’s mouth, sliding her tongue over Sutton’s bottom lip just to taste her. To encourage Sutton to kiss her back. Not that Sutton needed any encouragement, these days. Not to kiss her.

The kiss was hot and needy, already, just like Charlotte was feeling all over. As the want curled through her and settled low in her stomach, shooting down between her legs so easily.

She slid her tongue against Sutton’s and shivered at the contact, squeezing her thighs together as Sutton whimpered against her mouth, before she reluctantly pulled back.

Already slightly out of breath, she whispered, “If you think I’d rather watch d rather watch anything than have you go down on me, you are out of your mind, darling.”

She turned slightly to reach for the side table to grab the remote to shut this damn thing off, turning back to tell Sutton that they could go to her bedroom –

When she swallowed all of her words down the back of her throat.

Because in the seconds that Charlotte had turned away from Sutton, Sutton had slid off of the couch.

To her knees.

And was kneeling in front of Charlotte.

She’d been wet before. And with this? This visual? She was fucking soaked.

“Sutton,” she breathed out, reaching out her free hand to stroke through soft red hair. “We can go to my room –”

“I want you now,” Sutton’s voice was so low, raspy, and those blue eyes were so fucking dark.

Charlotte nodded, swallowing thickly. “Whatever you want.”

She was just trying to remind herself that this was Sutton. Not that she was ever going to forget who she was with, exactly, but the fact that she had to – to pace herself. To guide Sutton, who wanted to learn about sex with women with her. She couldn’t lose herself in the moment or forget herself and grind into Sutton’s mouth or… she had to be present. To be here with her in the moment.

Forcing in a deep breath, she stroked her fingers lower, over Sutton’s cheek. “You can just go slow –”

Sutton shook her head, her face scrunched up in utterly adorably sexy concentration, as she reached forward and hooked her hands in the waist of Charlotte’s lounge shorts and tugged. “I want these off. I want…” she took a visible deep breath and looked up at Charlotte. “I want to see you.”

Fuck. Me.

Charlotte nodded and lifted her hips, and in a moment, Sutton had tugged her shorts and underwear off of her legs, placing them on the ground next to her, before she tugged Charlotte’s legs over her shoulders.

Christ. Oh, fuck.

Sutton Spencer was on her knees on the floor, looking at Charlotte’s bare pussy, and she was leaning close enough that her hot breath washed over the sensitive skin of Charlotte’s inner thighs.

She could feel herself clench already. She’d never force Sutton into anything… but holy shit, had she wanted this.

“I’m… I’m a little,” Sutton whispered, and she was so so close to Charlotte, her breath washed over her, and Charlotte choked out a breath. “Nervous.”

Focus. Her inner mantra did nothing to calm her racing heart or the constant pulsing of her clit.

Still, Charlotte forced in a deep breath and nodded, sliding her hand back up to Sutton’s hair. “It’s,” she had to clear her throat, “It’s okay, darling. Just – explore. Take your time. There’s no pressure.”

Sutton’s eyes flicked up to her and Charlotte nearly exploded from the determined look alone. “I want to make you feel good.”

“You will,” she assured. Because there hadn’t been a single time that Sutton had failed to make Charlotte lose herself. “Just–”

She lost all of her words to a deep groan as she felt Sutton lean in, her tongue sliding tentatively over Charlotte’s lips. Up, and then down, then again. And again. Humming slightly at the taste, just enough that Charlotte could feel it.

“Oh, god,” she ground out, and immediately clenched her hand in Sutton’s hair, hard. Uncontrollably. “That – that, keep doing that.”

Sutton did.

And within what felt like moments, but for all Charlotte knew, it could have been long minutes or hours, she had no fucking idea, but Sutton wasn’t tentative at all. No.

Her mouth was hot and hungry and slick and she made these sounds in the back of her throat like she was hungry for Charlotte. Like she wanted nothing more than to taste her. Like she wanted to have Charlotte soaking her face.

And she knew she was. She knew it, as she rode Sutton’s tongue, every thought she’d had about trying to be present and go slow completely erased from her mind. There was no slow, now. There was nothing but Sutton’s mouth on her. That tongue sliding inside of Charlotte, that glorious, glorious mouth opening over her pussy and sucking.

The sounds coming from her own throat were ones she didn’t even recognize, and she didn’t have the presence of mind to care.

Because all she wanted was to fucking come.

“Sut – Sutton, don’t sto – oh, fuck, yes.”

Sutton’s tongue finally touched her clit. And Charlotte knew Sutton had been avoiding it on purpose; she knew enough by now about sex with Sutton that Sutton knew how exactly to find her clit and touch it just the way she wanted.

She’d been avoiding it on purpose.

And now Sutton’s mouth was on her clit, Charlotte nearly sobbed in pleasure, arching back against the couch and pressing herself firmly against that tongue. Oh, god. Oh god. Yes. Fuck. Yes!

Her thighs shook as she came against Sutton’s tongue, and everything else fell to the background. This was it. This was it.

The moan she let out echoed off the walls as her orgasm crashed over her. Waves of pleasure wracked her body as she shuddered and everything else in the world become nonexistent.

Charlotte stared blankly up at the ceiling, white noise in her ears, as she came down. She didn’t have it in her to think about anything else. To care about anything else. To do anything else. Other than simply exist here, her body feeling totally melted against the couch, satisfaction thrumming through her.

She felt wet, soft lips press against her inner-thigh and she slowly got back in touch with her body and the surroundings. Her hand was tangled in Sutton’s hair, the other curled tightly around the remote that she hadn’t even realized she’d never let go of. The documentary was still playing but she hadn’t heard a single word.

She summoned the strength to crane her head down and look down at Sutton. Who gazed back up at her with full, soft lips glistening from Charlotte’s come, and a look of utter contentment mixed with a well-deserved pride in her gaze. Almost like she couldn’t believe what she’d done, but that she was so thrilled, it didn’t matter.

No, she thought dimly. Sutton Spencer didn’t have to be taught a damn thing.



NO ONE in the world has more chemistry than Sutton and Charlotte. EVER!


Yes! I was so curious when I read the book about how Sutton had initiated sex during the war doc! I love these two together. I don’t usually cry while reading or feel the characters emotions so deeply. But whew. When Sutton confessed her love and Charlotte didn’t respond, I bawled. Both times that I read the book!