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Hi all!

First and foremost - apologies that everything this month has been moving... a little slow. If you follow Monica on social media, you may have seen that her mother passed away last week, shortly after she was moved onto hospice. Her death was unexpected and very quick, so we weren't quite prepared for what our lives turned into this month. It's been insanely emotional and busy in equal measure. Monica is incredible and strong and I feel so honored to be by her side during this time.

Second and secondmost - I've managed to fit in some time to write, so you can expect both Midnight Rain and The Next Chapters (Riley/Gianna followup) in the next week.

And for the big point of this post, I've been kicking around an idea for a while regarding doing a patreon-specific jeopardy game via zoom.

The way it would work is - I will create the questions for a jeopardy-esque board. Those who are participating (as well as those who just want to come to watch + hang out) will join the zoom link, and compete! The top 3 point earners will receive a prize (of course). Between rounds, we can discuss the questions more in-depth together, people can have the time to ask me questions/make comments at the end.

I'm thinking about hosting this on a weekend in May (dates to be specified later), but I figured I would throw out the option to see if anyone is interested

Let me know via comment if this is something you'd be interested in, either as a participant or just to hang out and talk books!


Mary Sue

So sorry about your loss

Carol Morales

My deepest condolences to both Monica and you.